The Bulk User Update option is used to select a large number of Users and change their status in Leo. The status update options are:
- Purge (This operation cannot be rolled back.)
- Delete the Users
- Mark the Users as inactive
- Mark the Users as graduated (Students only)
- Un-Delete Users
- Mark Users as active
Path: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > Bulk User Update
- You will be given a preview of the Users before any action takes place.
- You will be asked to verify that you want to execute the update multiple times before the update is run.
- No User information will be updated before the bulk update is executed.
- You can stop at any time without affecting any records.

In this example, the preview list is all Students that have graduated.
- When ready to continue, click the Execute Bulk Updates link.
- There will be several more warnings prior to actual execution.