Virtual Database Tables are database views that you can create and populate with data. You can create an unlimited number of these virtual tables, and they will all be available for use as tables within the Demographics system.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > Demographics > Tables
(1) Edit Virtual Table Name
This screen lets you define/edit a Demographic Virtual Table. At present, the only field to define for a Demographic Virtual Table is the name of the table. The shorter the name, the better.
- Table Name (*): This is the name of your table. It is best of this is as short as possible.
- Description: (Optional)
- Virtual Table: Actual name of database, it is view-only field
- Save Record
The actual name of the Virtual Table, which will be slightly different than the name you enter, is also be displayed as a view-only field.
(2) Add Demographic Table
Once a Demographic Virtual Table is created you can begin adding records to that virtual table and you can connect the virtual table to a Demographic Field.
- Table Name (*): This is the name of your table. It is best of this is as short as possible.
- Description: (Optional)
- Virtual Table: Actual name of database, it is view-only field
- Save Record
- Deleted: Use this option to review deleted Virtual Tables
(3) Record Count
Add Demographic Record Tables
This screen allows you to create new Demographic Data records in a Virtual Demographic Table. The records you enter here can be used as data fields in a Demographic Data Sets pull down fields.
- Name: Name the field that will be part of the pull down fields
- Save Record
To return back to the Demographics Table screen click on Virtual Tables.
Attaching a Virtual Database Table to a Demographic Field
If you have created a Virtual Database Table you must go into the Demographics Fields section and attached the Virtual Database Table to the Field Name.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > Demographics > Fields > [Select Name of Field]
To attach a Virtual Database Table to a Demographic Field you will need to complete the following steps:
- Name: Click on the Name that you would like to attach the newly created Table to.
- Data Type: Must be set to T - Linked to a table
- Click on the Table dropdown and select the Table you would like to attach to the Demographic Field
- Click Save Record