Leo User Guide

Rosters Overview

Updated on

These features are used to Import Data from your Registrar's Office into Leo. Because this feature can be customized to your institution's Registrar's data we highly recommend that you contact our Help Desk for assistance.

Path: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > Rosters

  • Rosters to Process: This report shows the number of rosters that are waiting to be processed.
  • Roster Summary: This report shows the count of courses that were last processed by the roster system sorted by the last date of activity for the Course and the number of Courses that were processed on that date.
  • Clinical Rotations: This function will compare the current clinical rotation schedule for Students against the official Registrar Office records.
  • Reg Listing: This report lists all Courses that are linked to the Registrar's feed.
  • Registrar Drops by Date: The report lists Registrar drops by date.
  • Roster Admin: This report is used by System Administrators to internally troubleshoot issues caused by discrepancies between Registrar feeds and records in system.
  • Roster Programs: Lists the Registrar Program name as well as the Leo Program name and the date it was created.
  • Rebuild Groups: This report shows the active years in your system.
  • Reg Office Year: A report displays a list of all terms that have been defined by the Registrar's Office.  
  • Download Last Roster: This feature downloads the most recently processed roster file.
  • Exception Reports:
    • Roster/Student Count Mismatch: This report will show the standard student group count and the roster count for all courses in a given Academic and School year where the counts do not match.
    • Courses w/No Primary CD: This report will show all Courses with no primary Course Director for a selected Academic Year. 
    • Course Year Exceptions: This report will show the Academic Year of a Course and the Registrar year for all courses in a given Academic and School year where the counts do not match.
    • Roster Year Conflict: This report shows roster records for students in the selected Academic and School year for which there are no corresponding enrollment records within Leo. 
    • Invalid Student Rosters: An orphaned roster record is one where no new updates have occurred for an enrollment record and no drop record has been received. 
    • Duplicate Rosters: This report shows all courses that have been mapped to more than one Registrar Course.
    • Mismatched Rosters: This report shows all courses created via roster import where the course name does not match the name in the roster.
    • Non-Roster Courses: This report shows a list of all courses that meet one or both of the following criteria: 
      • There is no roster map for the course. The roster map ties the course to information from the roster feed. These records can also be created manually. 
      • There are no roster records for students. If a course has no roster records for students, then it is most likely that the course has no enrolment and can be removed.
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