This function will present you with a list of all active screens. You can select any screen and create a Wizard to automate the creation of new records for the selected screen.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > System Administration > MyUIAdmin > Wizards
- Select Screen: Click the chevron to pick a screen or select *New Record* to create one.
- Edit Wizard
New Wizard Step
- Parent Screen: Defines the Parent Screen that is used to determine the common ID that will tie together all of the elements of the Wizard.
- Sequence: Defines the sequence that this step will be executed in the Wizard
- Description: The description of the step that will be presented to the User
Function: A standard set of CGI parameters to control the function for the given step
- OpenerRefresh=1 parameter: You can include this parameter in your Function to force the main Wizard screen to refresh when the Wizard step is completed. It is similar to using a action=default&option=CloseRefresh, but it applies to the function only when it is called within the Wizard.
- Required: Yes/No Toggle
- Mark as Deleted: Yes/No Toggle
- Save Wizard Step

Edit Wizard Definition
The Wizard Definition screen allows you to enter elements that affect the entire Wizard.
- Screen: Click the chevron to select the screen
- Description: This field is used to display a brief message to the User at the top of the Wizard.
- ID Var Name: If the first element of your Wizard is creating a new record, you need to be able to pass that record ID on the following elements of your Wizard. This field is used to define the name of the record ID that you will be passing on the other elements of the Wizard.
- ID Screen Name: This defines the name of the screen that will be returning the new ID. This is required so that Leo will know where to look for the ID
- ID SQL: If there are additional fields that you need to pass on the other elements of the Wizard, you can create a SQL statement to retrieve that data and insert into the Wizard.
- Deleted: Yes/No Toggle
- Save