The User Management settings in the Account Manager allow System Administrators and Super Users to customize certain settings related to User Management in your instance of Leo.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > Account Manager > Modules [expand] > User Management [expand]
User Management
Min Security to see all in MyCourses: This is the minimum security level (default=75) that will see All Courses when searching in the Courses tab.
- Users below this level will only see the Courses in which they are enrolled, assigned to, or are faculty.
- Min Security to see demographic data on other Users: Default is 80. Users below that will only be able to see their own demographic information. (NOTE: Faculty assigned as Mentors might need their Security Level increased or this default lowered to allow them to view the About Tab in the Student Portrait.)
- Enable User Password Removal: Remove the local password of User.
- Enable Faculty Type tracking: Create and assign a faculty type for reports and filters.
- Enable Student-Faculty role: This option allows Students to be assigned to a limited version of the faculty role at the Event or Course level.
- Enable Student-mapping role (requires Student-Faculty role): This option allows Students to update curricular mapping, but only if the Student-faculty role has been enabled.
- Enable Grader role: This option allows Users to be assigned as graders of text based exam questions and assignments at the Event or Course level.
- Enable display of preferred User ID: Certain reports and screens can include the User's preferred ID as part of the display.
- Primary Display ID Type: Select the ID type to be displayed if the show ID option is turned on.
- Max small group size: Click the blue link to set the maximum number of Students per small group. The default is 100.
- LDAP User Import: When checked, a User data import via LDAP is activated. Your system must use LDAP and have permission to query the LDAP server.

User Screen Settings
Path: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > Account Manager > Modules [expand] > User Management [expand] > User Screen Settings [expand]
- Disable the Active flag for Students: Use this option if your Roster import will be setting the Student's Active flag. The Active flag can also be set by the Graduation option.

User Import Settings
Path: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > Account Manager > Modules [expand] > User Management [expand] > User Import Settings [expand]
- Allow Multiple User roles via import: If checked, a User can be assigned multiple roles, such as Staff and Faculty, via import. If unchecked, only one role is allowed per User.
- Ignore Roster: If checked, this setting enables the ability to set User accounts to not receive User Roster data. Your custom Roster import routine must support this setting in order for it to work.
- Activate Lock Affiliation Option: If checked, the Lock Current Affiliation checkbox will be enabled in the Edit User screen. Checking the box will prevent the current Affiliation from being overridden by any other means other than the Edit User screen.
- Source of User import Roster: Click the blue link to define the name of the User import data file.

User Management Menus
Path: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > Account Manager > Modules [expand] > User Management [expand] > User Management Menus [expand]
User Export Menu: When checked, this option activates access to the User Export menu.
User Export Menu [expand]
- Generate a User Roster Export: When checked, a Roster can be generated based on User ID type, date range, and other parameters.