This menu selection will let you administer some of the core codes used to control the system.
PATH: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > Systems Administration > Codes
The Project Status table is used to define the various status codes for a project.

Edit/New Record

- This screen allows you to select or add new colors for Event Types.
- Or click an existing Color Name to edit the color options.

NOTE: These colors will be displayed in the Color Picker Palette in the Event Type Screen for the Leo.
Edit/Create New Colors
The first two fields are required:
- Color Name: The name of your new color.
- Hex Code: A hex code is a six-digit alpha-numeric code that represents a specific color in the spectrum.
- Deleted: Determines whether or not this color is deleted. Set this field to Yes to delete an existing color.
- Save Color to save your changes.

TIP: Hex codes are available for free online if you do not know the hex code for your color.
To find the Hex Code of a color you can go to
Auto Roster
This report shows the settings, per browser, per version at which the browser will be blocked, and the version at which a warning will be given that the browser is not fully supported.
Browsers not in the list will be allowed. Browsers with an unknown version will be allowed, as this is usually the result of the browscap file not being up to date.
- Use the New option to create new records
- Use the Deleted option to review deleted records
New Browser
This screen lets you define the Version at which a Browser will be blocked, and the Version at which warnings will be given that the Browser is not fully supported. Client version will always take precedence over the Vendor Version. This is because schools may have facilities that only have old systems and Faculty and Students must have access.

NOTE: Versions are normally numeric, but this screen will allow alpha versions, if they are ever required.
Validates all default settings in the system.