The Primary Course Director is used to designate the Course Director who is ultimately in charge of the course. The Financial Model also uses this data to determine how administrative costs are reimbursed. This report displays Courses that require Course Director Hours (includes both Didactic and Clinical Course Types). It also lists the Primary Course Director assigned to each Course.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Advanced > FCT Admin > CD Hours >Select Year

NOTE: The distribution of administrative compensation via the Leo Financial Model is based on the Departmental Affiliation of the Primary Course Director. If no Primary Course Director has been assigned, then no administrative costs will be disbursed for this Course.
Add or Edit
- To select a Primary Course Director, click the **NONE** link.
- Click the name of the Course Directory in the left column to move them into the Primary column.
NOTE: While you can assign more than one Primary Course Director, the system will simply pick the first one in the list when processing the financial model data related to administrative costs.