Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Assessment > PET

This report will show you individual entries in the PET System, including Diagnosis and Procedure entries. You can select different options to sort and select the data.
- You can get a list of all patient entries for a given User by clicking on the Student's name in the listing.
- Use the Filter to define the data you want displayed.
This screen is used to add or remove filters in order to display different views of the PET data in your PET report.
NOTE: all changes are saved in real-time.

The report shows summary information for all of the Students in the current Course.
NOTE: The counts in this report are the number of unique Diagnosis or Procedure types that the Student has been exposed to. It is not a count of the total number of times that the Student has seen these various items.
Options menu
From the Options drop-down menu, select Define Required Diagnoses/Procedures to assign Diagnoses and Procedures as required for the selected Course Section.
Required Diagnoses and Procedures will display with an asterisk (*) at the top of the available Procedures and Diagnoses drop-down for students entering PET records.
If Duty Hours are enabled in the Account Manager Settings, this report is a listing of duty hours for each Student in the current Section/Rotation.
As an Administrator, you can edit these records, which includes the ability to remove records.
This screen is used to record your duty hours for a single shift. You need to enter:
- The date on which the shift began
- The time at which the shift began
- The number of hours the shift lasted
- The number of minutes the shift lasted (i.e. your shift was 8 hours and 15 minutes)
This list defines the locations that Students can select when making PET and Duty Hour log entries.
- This list of locations is part of Course Rollover, but each section can create a unique set of locations without affecting other sections in the same Course.
- The primary list of available locations are those locations that are linked to the same campus as the Course itself.
- Use the Add by Search option to find locations at other campuses.
NOTE: if no Locations have been added to the Selected Locations column, then Students will not be able to select any Locations in their PET or Duty Hour entry. This can be especially problematic if Location is a required field as they will not be able to submit their entry.