Path: Courses > [Select Course] > Assessment > Exams > Manage Exams > [Select Exam]
Questions Tab Column Headers
- Q#: Question number
- Prompt (Edit link settings): Click to edit settings for this question as it pertains to the current linked Event, or Section.
- Type: The question type was selected when creating a new question, to edit > Question Tab > Edit Question > Edit Question Prompt > Change Type
- Bonus: The bonus status gives Students credit for a correct answer, but the question does not count towards the total number of possible points. Students cannot score more than 100% on an Exam.
- Weighted Value: This determines how much the question is worth relative to other questions. The default weighted value is 1.
- Max Value:
- Edit Question: This takes you directly to the Edit Question Tab to edit the question.
- Remove: Remove this question from the Exam.
- IAX: Click here to remove the question from the Item Analysis.
- Hist: Click to see where else this question has been used.
- G&O: Click to edit and modify the G&O for this question.
- QBE: Check this box to add this question to a list to be exported to the Question Bank for this course. NOTE: Faculty can do this at the Event Level in their Exam Editor as well.
- Body: Type in your question using the WYSIWYG editor
- Create Question: Click the button to save question.
You will now be prompted to:
- Type (*): Select the Type from the drop down.
- Category: Double click to see a listing of Categories
- Bonus: Yes/No toggle
- Save Question

This screen will let you edit a question category or create a new one.
If no owner is assigned, then only Administrators will be able to change or delete this category

If you create a category and do not assign yourself as the owner, you will not be able to manage that category unless you are also an Administrator.
Click OK to randomize.

The Item analysis report displays statistics about a set of questions and responses.
The data set can be from one Exam (or Evaluation), or can be based on:
- All questions and responses for an instructor in a course
- All questions and responses for a category of questions in one Exam
- All questions and responses for a course

From this report you can generate a PDF file or download as a CSV file.

Item Analysis
The same as #5
Print to a local printer or save as a PDF.

This report shows you the Students that have been assigned to this Exam, for the current Event or Course, that have not yet taken the Exam, or at least have not yet answered any of the questions.

TBL Listing
This report breaks down Students scores based on the categories assigned to the questions and these scores can be exported as a CSV file.
This option will let you export some or all of the questions in this Exam to the Question Bank for the current Course.
You have two options:
- Export only the questions that have been checked in the QBE checkbox on the Questions Tab, then click the QBE link
- Select the option that you prefer to use, (Selected or All), to export the questions into the Question Bank.
TIP: If a question has already been exported, it will be skipped.

- This report lets you review and set the Categories for all questions in a given Exam.
- You can also set the category of a question when creating or editing the question.
NOTE: The field for the Category is a search field which allows you search for and select an existing category.