Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Settings > Menu
For more information on the Options, please refer to the article Section Settings: Options Submenu
This screen is used to set special options for your Section. These options only affect the current Section/Rotation of the Course.

This displays a list of all Programs to which this Section is linked.

The stats screen shows activity related to the Course screen.

FCourse Totals
Course totals show a summary of activity across the Course screen and all Events:
- The number of total visits
- Total visits for non-enrolled Users
- Unique non-enrolled Users
- Total visits for enrolled Students
- Unique visits for enrolled Students
- Total documents downloaded
Note: Non-Student counts refers to all Users who are not enrolled Students in the current Course.
NOTE: The numbers for non-enrolled Users is most like exaggerated due to the fact that Faculty and Staff, when using Event and Course screens, often use functions that cause the screens to refresh, and each refresh counts as a 'new' visit to the screen.
The Course-wide Statistics screen shows activity related to the entire Course.

This report lists all Alternate Course IDs used by the selected Course.

- You may add anAalternate Course ID by selecting the Add Alternate Course ID report option.
- You may edit an Alternate Course ID by clicking on it's value in the report.
Add Alt ID
This screen allows you to assign an Alternate Course ID to your Course.

- Select the Alternate Course ID Type from the dropdown
- Enter the Alternate Course ID value.
The auto reminder system will send an automated reminder to Instructors in a Course based on the setting you choose in this screen.
- Days before Event for first reminder: This specifies the number of days prior to the Event when the first reminder will be sent. The default is 10 days. Zero days = no reminder.
- Days before Event for 2nd reminder: This specifies the number of days prior to the Event when the second reminder will be sent. The 2nd reminder will only be sent if no content has been uploaded to the Event. Zero days = no reminder.
- Send to Course Directors: Default is NO, which means that Course Directors who also teach in the Course will not received reminders.
- Send a second reminder: Default is NO, which means the Course will completely ignore the 2nd reminder option.
- Suppress all reminders: Default is NO, which means the option will be active. Set the suppress reminder flag to YES to disable this option in a Course
- Reply To (optional): This option will present you with a list of all Course Directors and Coordinators for the current Course who have valid email addresses. If no one is selected all email responses will be sent to the Administrative Email Account for your system.

Other options that can affect reminders:
- Only Events where the Event type has been flagged as Instructional will get reminders.
- If there are no Instructors assigned to an Event, no reminders will be sent for that Event.
Many of the routines responsible for importing Course data create cross reference (Xref) links to identify the source of the data. This data is often used to determine if data has already been imported or to keep a history of updates.

This option will remove all of the activity records for Users in connected to this Section. This will remove the activity messages for this Section from each User's activity listing, and it will also remove any "red numbers" from the Activity icon.
NOTE: This option is normally used if the following has happened:
- A Section has been made available too soon, by which we mean the Tentative flag was removed from Events and then replaced.
- In that case, you will want all the activity records that were created to be removed.
- A Section was uploaded into the system with an incorrect date range, or other error.
- In this case, the Section Events are normally removed and new ones created. Once again, you would want all activities related to this process erased.
Should you erase these activity records by accident, contact the Leo Help Desk to have them recovered.