This tutorial will show you how to set up a Targeted Evaluation at the Section/Course Level. This is an option currently available to only the following types of Evaluations:
- Students Evaluating Faculty
- Faculty Evaluating Students
- Students Peer Evaluation
Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Assessment > Evaluations > Targeted Evaluations

NOTE: Targeted Evaluations can be put through the Evaluation Workflow process, and will show up as normal in the respective Course Level Workflow.
For more information on the Evaluation Workflow, click here.

Fill out the Targeted Evaluation Record:
- Evaluation (*): Select an Evaluation (Targeted Evaluations can only be Students > Faculty or Faculty > Students)
- Title: Title the Evaluation
- From Date and Time (*): Select date and time
- To Date and Time (*): Select date and time
- Eval Type (*): Click the chevron to select either Faculty Evaluation Students or Students Evaluating Faculty or Students Peer Evaluation
- Users: Click on each link to get a list of evaluators or targets
- Save & Rebuild

Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Assessment > Evaluations > Manage Users and Messages
Under Manage Users and Messages there are two links:
- Manage Students
- Manage Instructors
For this example, we will select Manage Students. The procedure is the same for managing Instructors

- Select the User/Student

- Click the Add Individual Evaluation link

Completed the Individual Targeted Evaluation Form:
- Evaluatee Role(*): Select whom/what will be evaluated.
- Evaluatee(*): Select the User or Course to be evaluated. Double-click to get a full listing of options.
- Evaluation Form: Search for an Evaluation form, or double-click for a list.
- Title: (optional) You can set a separate title for this Evaluation, which will appear in addition to the name of the Evaluation.
- Available From: Choose the begin date
- Until: Choose the end date
When you are ready, click Save Evaluation.

NOTE: The Evaluator will see an Evaluation reminder like any other Evaluation.