Path: Courses > [Course Screen] > Assessment Menu
NOTE: This is an Administrative (90 security level) view of the Assessment Menu.

NOTE: This is a typical Course Director (75 security level) view from the Section/Course screen of the Assessment Menu

This menu gives you access to the management options for Evaluations. There are a large number of Evaluations, but only some options may be activated on your system. Additionally, each Program within your system may have selected different Evaluation options.
If no options are available, or the option you are looking for is not available, see your System Administrator to have the option activated.
For more detailed information on Course Evaluations, please refer to this Chapter of articles on Evaluations.
Peer Evaluations are based on a single Likert Scale or Yes/No question regarding the efficacy of Students in a Group by another Student within that Group.
You can also create more complex peer evaluations (Student of Student) in the standard Evaluation system. The benefit of this peer evaluation tool is that can be created very quickly at the Event level.
NOTE: Peer Evaluations are Created at the Event Level. Please refer to the Create a Peer Evaluation article.
The Gradebook is used to gather all of the scores for Exams, Quizzes, Assignments or other assessed activities related to a specific Course. There are many sources of data for this screen:
- Leo Exams
- Leo Assignments
- Manually-entered Assignments
- Assignments from other systems (via score upload)
All of the entries in the Gradebook can be manually adjusted, and the entire Gradebook can be exported to a .CSV file for use in other applications.
For more detailed instructions on the Gradebook, please refer to our chapter on Overview of the Gradebook.
NOTE: In the Account Manager, the Faculty Read Only box needs to be checked for this option to be visible. Refer to Account Manager: Gradebook
This report will list all of the users have have been given access to the Gradebook and Exam system, overriding the Gradebook special security.
This report lists all of the Assignments created for the current Course to allow Students to upload their Assignments. Each Event can have multiple Assignments, and the report is organized first by Event (sorted by date), and then by folder (sorted alphabetically).
The Deleted option will show all deleted Assignments linked to active Events.
For more information on Creating Assignments refer to Student Assignments in Events.
This report shows Students all of their active Assignments in this Course. There may be Assignments that are not shown in this report because they are not currently available.
Students can upload (turn in) documents for any active Assignment.
For more information on what the Students see, refer to Student Overview of Assignments.

For more information refer to Exams Overview.
Patient Encounter Tracking (PET) is a tool for Students to log their clinical encounters with patients.
- Students are able to enter basic information about their patient, procedures that were done during the encounter, observed patient conditions, duty hours, etc.
- The data fields are configurable by the institution.
- The Instructor is then able to collect the Student PET entries and use them for grading purposes.

For more information refer to PET Overview.