This article will demonstrate how to set Category and Assignment percentages in the Gradebook.
- Assignments are the actual graded activities, such as quiz, exam, paper, etc.
- Assignments are then housed within a Category.
- You can have as many Categories as you need.
Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Assessment > Gradebook
Gradebook Percentages
The Gradebook percentages for both Assignments and Categories must always add up to 100%.

- To set the percentage value of a Category, enter the appropriate value in the Manage Categories window.
- Use the "Auto" option to equally distribute remaining percentage points among empty categories.
- Be sure to select Save!
Setting Percentages for Assignments

- Open the Manage Assignments window.
- Enter the percentage values for each assignment. The assignments within each category must equal 100%.
- To equally distribue remaining percentage points among empty assignments within a category, use the "Auto" option.