The Threshold Notification/Evaluation Trigger is meant to alert a senior Administrator, such as the Dean of Student Affairs, when a student is performing poorly and might need some attention.
The Threshold Notification/Evaluation Trigger is only available for Evaluations where Faculty is Evaluating a Student. There is usually one recipient, who will be notified when a Student receives the pre-determined number of poor Evaluations. When Faculty use one of the triggered responses while evaluating Students, there is a nightly feature that runs a report, and when it exceeds the threshold an email will be automatically sent to the Recipient. The email will only be sent once.
*As an example, if John receives a poor Evaluation on two questions within the same Evaluation (Threshold number default is 2), once the Evaluation is submitted, the System will alert the Recipient.
There are two types of Evaluation Triggers in the System
- Question/Response Trigger - (Path: Home > Admin Toolbar > Assessment > Evaluations > Email Triggers)
- Threshold Notification/Evaluation Level Trigger (This trigger is set a the Section Level of a Course - instructions below)
NOTE: These Trigger is set up at the Account Manager level. For more information refer to Evaluation Settings
Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Assessment > Evaluations > Faculty Evaluating Students

The Faculty Evaluating Students is the only Evaluation Type where it is possible to set up these Threshold Notification/Evaluation Triggers.

In the Trigger column, click on the link to edit the trigger.

When Faculty use one of the triggered responses while evaluating their Students, there is a nightly feature that runs a report, when it exceeds the threshold an email will be automatically sent to the recipient(s). The email will only be sent once.