The Gradebook Edit Score window allows you to set the score for all students for an assignment at the same time.
Using this feature, you can manually set the grade for each individual student. Or you can copy the same grade to all students in the list.
This article will show you how to use the Edit Score window.
Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Assessment > Gradebook
Step 2: Course Gradebook

Locate the assignment for which you need to enter scores. Click to gear wheel icon and choose "Edit Scores".
To apply the same grade to all students in the list...

- In the "Copy Value" field, enter the score that you want copied to your students.
- Choose the field (numeric score, alpha score, or comments) to which you want the value to be copied.
- Select the students that should recieve this score. You can use the checkbox at the top of the column to "select all" students.
- Choose "Go" to copy the value to all selected students.
- Select Save to apply your changes.
If you select an individual student's score from the main gradebook screen, this window will open up, but the student you selected will be highlighted.