Occasionally, you may have instances where an upperclassman is assisting in a Course and is performing actions that only a Faculty member would be allowed to do. In these cases, you can add a Student as a Faculty to a single Course without changing their access to other Courses in the System (you won't be changing their Role in Leo). The Student will be able to help in the mapping of Objectives in their assigned Course.
NOTE: In order to allow this kind of access, a System Administrator or Super User will first need to enable the Student-Faculty option in the Account Manager. For more information, see our article on Account Manager: User Management.
From the Section Level: People > Faculty & Staff > Student-Faculty

Select the Students from the Active Student-Faculty list and move them to the Selected Students column.

Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Mapping > Default Session Objectives

Select Objectives
- Select the objectives by clicking the links in the Available Objectives column, which moves them to the Selected Objectives column on the right.
- Objectives that are marked with (ǂ) are mapped as a default Section Objective in another Course Section(s).
- Objectives can also be deselected by clicking the links in the left column.
- Click the small square icon in the top-right corner to save and exit.
Course G&O Check
This report will display all of the Goals and Objectives that have been mapped to Events within the current Course.
- Mapping Menu
- Course G&O
- Download: If you download the data it will include the detailed descriptions of the Goals and Objectives.
TIP: A Student will be able to map Themes and Default Course Objectives from the Course screen level.
Path: Course Screen > Events > Manage Events > [Select Event] >Mapping
Path: Calendar > Event > Mapping
From the Event screen the Student-Faculty will be able to map:
- Objectives, Session Objectives, Diagnosis, Procedures, Core Problems, Proficiencies, Instructional Methods, Assessment Methods, Resources and Themes.