The Lost Focus Security feature will lock Students out of an Exam if they attempt to leave the Exam window to access other resources, websites, or software on their computer.
- Students will not be able to leave or tab out of the Exam while this feature is turned on.
- If a Student gets locked out of the Exam, the Exam Administrator will have to unlock the Student's account in order to allow them to re-access the Exam.
- Each instance of a Student getting locked out will be tracked and included in the Locked Users Report.
Path: Home > [Course Screen] > Assessment > Exams > Manage Exams

Select your Exam from Exam Manager listing to open that Exam in the Exam Editor.

- Upon entering the Exam, Students will see the message shown above, which indicates that Lost Focus Security is in effect.
- Students will need to click Continue on the message to proceed to taking their Exam.
Lock out triggered
- If a Student attempts to tab out or leave the Exam window, the message shown above will appear and the Student will no longer have access to the Exam.

- To unlock the exam for students who have triggered the Lost Focus Security feature, navigate to the Course or Event Exam Manager where the Exam exists.
- In the Exam Manager, click the Response(s) link corresponding to the Exam in question.