Path: Event Screen > Assessment > Exams > Manage Exams > [Select Exam Name to Edit]
This screen is used to define the basic behavior of your Exam.
- Name: Of the Exam you created or selected to edit.
- Display Type: Defines how the Exam will be displayed when first opened
- GO Version: Defines the Goals and Objectives Version that will be used to tag the questions in this Exam.
- Assessed: YES or NO toggle.
- Password: Can be used to enter a password required to before taking the Exam.
- Remove Submit Option: If set to YES, will replace the submit button with an exit button, and Students will be able to take the Exam for as Long as it is available.
- SIF: (Super-immediate Feedback) displays an explanation as questions are answered.
- Attestation: If selected, will display attestation form before Exam
- Scratch-off: YES or NO to using the Scratch Off display format and scoring.
- Use Blocks: YES or NO, activates Blocks for organizing questions, this can not be used with a Scratch Off Exam.
- Display in Blocks: If Yes, then questions will be grouped in their blocks and displayed accordingly. If No, then questions will be displayed in the standard format.
- Enable CTRL Keys: By default, CTRL Keys and the right mouse button are disabled for Students taking an Exam (Set to NO). They are enabled for Administrators who take an Exam. If you set this option to YES then Students will be able to use CTRL keys and the right click button. This will let them do things like cut and paste and print.
- Save
- Deleted: Deletes Exam and deletes all data associated with the Exam

Auto-Redirect Settings
Auto-Redirect Settings: When a Student logs in to Leo, by default, we check to see if they have any active Exams that are about to start. If they do, we redirect them automatically to the Exam Portal so that they can get started. You can override this behavior for this particular Exam in this setting.
- Instructions: These are optional and they will be displayed at the top of the exam, but can be minimized by the student.
- Save Instructions

This screen is used to set the flags that will determine what, if any, feedback is given to Students at the end of the Exam or when the Exam feedback is provided via a link on the source Event or Course screen.
The Successful Completion Link is for custom code modules.
- You should not enter any data in this field unless you are working with a Programmer or Sysadmin or have information from those sources.
The Preserve Feedback HTML option, if set to YES, will tell the system to not remove HTML formatting from feedback text.
- If you choose this option you should test the feedback view to ensure that any special formatting you have included does not disrupt the display of the feedback.

NOTE: Scratch-Off Exams do NOT have the immediate feedback display.
The Advanced Exam Options screen allows you to customize the Exam even further through as series of YES/NO questions:
- Admin Notes: Optional notes area
- Use questions groups if available?: Y/N toggle
- Randomize questions: Y/N toggle
- Randomize responses: Y/N toggle
- Required: Y/N toggle
- Set Lost Focus Security: Y/N toggle. This prevents Students from opening another browser window during the Exam
- Lost Focus Password: This password will unlock a Student's Exam
- Do not allow others edit: Y/N toggle
- Save

(5) Event Settings
This Event Setting will allow a timer reset and Students will be able to re-open their Exam after they have submitted it. The Student's time on the Exam will be reset to the full time allowed and the reset action will be logged so that this activity can be tracked.
NOTE: A custom reset message will be added to the pop-up notification/warning given to the Student when they select the reset option.
- Allow Timer Reset: Yes/No Toggle
- Custom Reset Message: Warning or notification for Students
- Save Changes

This prevents Faculty from accessing the Exams and protects Student's anonymity.
View Exam in Admin Mode:
- Questions Per Page: Change the number of questions per page from one-per-page up to five
- View Mode: Change the view from All, Unanswered, Answered, Review, Nonreview
- Submit Exam: Click to submit the Exam
NOTE: If you need to close the Exam but not submit the Exam, then close the browser window
The Exam Type assigned to the Exam lets other options in the System know if this Exam can be used. The Standard Type is Exam.
If you are not sure which type to use, just use the Exam type.
NOTE: There should only be one Exam Type assigned to a given Exam. If you assign more than one Exam Type the results are unpredictable.
This feature will create a copy of the existing Exam, including all questions and attachments. You can specify if you wish to copy Event or Course links, and Group associations. The Cloned Exam will contain all copies of all questions and responses.
Costs can be entered for Student responses to the questions.

Summary notes can be added to questions.

This report shows you the alternate score card Courses for questions within the current Exam and the Event or Course that the Exam is linked. These settings only apply to this Exam and the Event or Course. If you look at this Exam when connected to a different Event the alternate score cards will not apply.