Once you have created your Evaluation, you can schedule it to be completed by Faculty or Students.
Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Assessment > Evaluations

There are many types of evaluations that can be assigned in Leo. Keep in mind the evaluation form you are using and be sure that the eval form fits the type of evaluation being completed.
NOTE: Once evaluators have begun to complete their evaluation form(s) for a specific Evaluation Link, you can no longer change the Eval Form being used. See image below.

Add Evaluation
Path: Students Evaluating Faculty > Options > Add Evaluation

New Evaluation Link (Students Evaluating Faculty)
When scheduling a Student evaluation of Faculty in Leo at the course section level. Each instructor for any event that falls within the eval begin and end date range (4) and is included based on the "Event Types" (6) and the "Select Users" filters (7) will be evaluated once by each of the students included in the groups assigned (5) to the evaluation.
- Select your Evaluation Form. Choose the evaluation form in your system that will be used for students to evaluate faculty associated with events that fall within the event date range (4).
- Add a Title (optional). We suggest using a standard naming convention for evaluation titles in Leo. The title is specific to this particular sendout, or use of, the evaluation form selected.
- Select the dates the evaluation will be available. These dates will determine when students will be able to complete the evaluation. The time fields are optional.
- Define the date range of events that will be included in the evaluation. The selected dates will determine which faculty will be able to be evaluated based on their association to events within the date range as an instructor.
- Assign Groups for the evaluation. Select the students, or groups of students that will be completing the evaluations.
- Filter the event type(s). This field will allow you to filter which instructors will be evaluated by selecting specific event types. By default, all event types are included. If you select any event types, only the selected event types will be used to filter the instructors available to be evaluated.
- Select user(s) to be evaluated. By default, all users in this list will be evaluated, however, you can select specific instructors to be evaluated if needed.
- Save Link.

NOTE: The form fields will be different based on the Type of Evaluation that is selected. For example: If the Evaluation is linked to an Event, then no activity date range is required, and the date fields will be hidden.
The Evaluation Title is optional. However, for consistency and to make it easier to find and use/re-use Evaluations, we strongly recommend that you establish a naming convention for your Evaluations.
You can decide what works best for your institution and share this information internally with everyone who is in charge of creating and setting up Evaluations. This will go a long way in avoiding confusion when there are several Evaluations that are being used across the institution. And it will also help to fix any errors in scheduling/notification when you know which exact Evaluation is being referenced.
Add Evaluation
Path: Students Evaluating the Course > Options > Add Evaluation

New Evaluation Link (Students Evaluating Course)
When scheduling a Student evaluation of a course in Leo, each student in the assigned group(s) will be assigned a single evaluation of the course.
- Select your Evaluation Form. Choose the evaluation form in your system that will be used for students to evaluate the course.
- Add a Title (optional). We suggest using a standard naming convention for evaluation titles in Leo. The title is specific to this particular sendout, or use of, the evaluation form selected.
- Select the dates the evaluation will be available. These dates will determine when students will be able to complete the evaluation. The time fields are optional.
- Assign Groups for the evaluation. Select the students, or groups of students that will be completing the evaluations.
- Save Link.

Add Evaluation
Path: Students Evaluating Students > Options > Add Evaluation

New Evaluation Link (Students Evaluating Students)
This Evaluation Type is for Students evaluating Students which is based on their membership in a Small Group.
- *Evaluation: This is the evaluation form you've already created. Begin typing or double-click the box to display a menu of options to choose from.
- Title: This optional field applies to this specific use of the evaluation form. It may or may not show up in different areas of Leo based on your Account Manager settings.
- De-Identify: If you want Users de-identified, set it to YES.
- *Small Group Set: Use the drop-down arrow to identify the small group set that will be used to assign student evaluations. Students will evaluate other students in their small group.
- *Date Range: Use the calendar to set the date range that the evaluation will be available.
Save Link

NOTE: The form fields will be different based on the Type of Evaluation that is selected. For example: If the Evaluation is linked to an Event, then no activity date range is required, and the date fields will be hidden.
The Evaluation Title is optional. However, for consistency and to make it easier to find and use/re-use Evaluations, we strongly recommend that you establish a naming convention for your Evaluations.
You can decide what works best for your institution and share this information internally with everyone who is in charge of creating and setting up Evaluations. This will go a long way in avoiding confusion when there are several Evaluations that are being used across the institution. And it will also help to fix any errors in scheduling/notification when you know which exact Evaluation is being referenced.
De-Identify: The determination of whether or not you can de-identify Evaluations is made at the Account Manager level. This determination is often made by the Super Users at the Program level.
In other words, if the setting to allow Evaluations to be de-identified at the Account Manager level has been enabled, only then will you (as the Administrator/Course Director) be able to select the check box here to de-identify the responses in the Evaluation that you are now setting up.
If this option is not available please contact your Super User/Administrator in charge of these decisions/settings at the Program/Account Manager level at your institution. For more information refer to Account Manager: Modules: Evaluation Settings
Add Evaluation
Path: Students Evaluating Clinical Faculty > Options > Add Evaluation

New Evaluation Link (Students Evaluating Clinical Faculty)
When scheduling a Student Evaluation of Clinical Faculty in Leo, a "placeholder eval" will be created for each student in the course section. Students will be able to select from the Clinical Faculty assigned to the course when they access the placeholder evaluation. For more information on placeholder evals, see below. To learn how to add Clinical Faculty to your course section, refer to this article.
- Select your Evaluation Form. Choose the evaluation form in your system that will be used for the student evaluation of clinical faculty.
- Add a Title (optional). We suggest using a standard naming convention for evaluation titles in Leo. The title is specific to this particular sendout, or use of, the evaluation form selected.
- Select the dates the evaluation will be available. These dates will determine when the individual will be able to complete the evaluation. The time fields are optional.
- Hide Target Buildlist refers to the ability for students to navigate to the build list from the options menu when completing an evaluation and add or remove clinical faculty from their list of evaluatees associated with this evaluation link, or sendout. The default for your program is set in the Account Manager but can be overridden here when creating an evaluation link. It is recommended that you leave the default in place until checking with the Leo administrator at your institution.
- Save Link.

Placeholder Evals (Students evaluating Clinical Faculty)
Path: [click the number in the Open column]
Once the individual evaluations for Student evaluations of Clinical Faculty have been built, see Rebuild (optional) below, each student enrolled in the Course Section will have a "placeholder_eval".
When accessing the evaluation, students will be presented with a Buildlist (see image below) via which they can select the clinical faculty they need to evaluate.

Unlike Clinical Faculty Evaluations of students, it is recommended that administrators not select clinical faculty to be evaluated on behalf of students, as most likely, the individual making these selections wouldn't have permission to access a student evaluation (based on privacy rules set in the Account Manager for your program).
Remember that multiple settings will determine how email reminders work in relation to placeholder evaluations and evaluation sendouts. Please check with a super user at your institution or in the Account Manager settings to determine how your system will handle placeholders, etc.
Add Evaluation
Path: Faculty Evaluating Students > Options > Add Evaluation
New Evaluation Link (Faculty Evaluating Student)
When scheduling a Faculty evaluation of Students in Leo at the course section level. Each student enrolled in any event that falls within the eval begin and end date range (4) and is included based on the "Event Types" (6) and the "Select Users" filters (7) will be evaluated once by each of the faculty included in the group(s) assigned (5) to the evaluation.
- Select your Evaluation Form. Choose the evaluation form in your system that will be used for faculty to evaluate students associated with events that fall within the event date range (4).
- Add a Title (optional). We suggest using a standard naming convention for evaluation titles in Leo. The title is specific to this particular sendout, or use of, the evaluation form selected.
- Select the dates the evaluation will be available. These dates will determine when faculty will be able to complete the evaluation. The time fields are optional.
- Define the date range of events that will be included in the evaluation. The selected dates will determine which students will be able to be evaluated based on their enrollment in the events that fall within the date range.
- Assign Groups for the evaluation. Select the faculty or faculty group that will be completing the evaluations.
- Filter the event type(s). This field will allow you to filter which students will be evaluated by selecting specific event types. By default, all event types are included. If you select any event types, only the selected event types will be used to filter the students available to be evaluated.
- Select user(s) to be evaluated. By default, all users in this list will be evaluated, however, you can select specific students to be evaluated if needed.
- Save Link.

NOTE: The form fields will be different based on the Type of Evaluation that is selected. For example: If the Evaluation is linked to an Event, then no activity date range is required, and the date fields will be hidden.
The Evaluation Title is optional. However, for consistency and to make it easier to find and use/re-use Evaluations, we strongly recommend that you establish a naming convention for your Evaluations.
You can decide what works best for your institution and share this information internally with everyone who is in charge of creating and setting up Evaluations. This will go a long way in avoiding confusion when there are several Evaluations that are being used across the institution. And it will also help to fix any errors in scheduling/notification when you know which exact Evaluation is being referenced.
Add Evaluation
Path: Faculty Evaluating the Course > Options > Add Evaluation

New Evaluation Link (Faculty Evaluating Course)
When scheduling a Faculty evaluation of a Course in Leo, each faculty member in the assigned group(s) will be assigned a single evaluation of the course.
- Select your Evaluation Form. Choose the evaluation form in your system that will be used for faculty to evaluate the course.
- Add a Title (optional). We suggest using a standard naming convention for evaluation titles in Leo. The title is specific to this particular sendout, or use of, the evaluation form selected.
- Select the dates the evaluation will be available. These dates will determine when faculty will be able to complete the evaluation. The time fields are optional.
- Assign Groups for the evaluation. Select the faculty, or groups of faculty that will be completing the evaluations.
- Save Link.

Add Evaluation
Path: Clinical Faculty Evaluating Students > Options > Add Evaluation

New Evaluation Link (Clinical Faculty Evaluating Students)
When scheduling a Clinical Faculty Evaluation of Students in Leo, a "place_holder eval" will be created for each individual clinical faculty member in the course section. For more information on placeholder evals, see below. To learn how to add Clinical Faculty to your course section, refer to this article.
- Select your Evaluation Form. Choose the evaluation form in your system that will be used for the clinical faculty evaluation of students.
- Add a Title (optional). We suggest using a standard naming convention for evaluation titles in Leo. The title is specific to this particular sendout, or use of, the evaluation form selected.
- Select the dates the evaluation will be available. These dates will determine when the individual will be able to complete the evaluation. The time fields are optional.
- Assign Groups for the evaluation. Select the student(s) or student group(s) that will be available for clinical faculty to evaluate.
- Hide Target Buildlist refers to the ability for clinical faculty to navigate to the build list and add or remove students from their list of evaluatees associated with this evaluation link, or sendout. The default for your program is set in the Account Manager but can be overridden here when creating an evaluation link. It is recommended that you leave the default in place until checking with the Leo administrator at your institution.
- Save Link.
In order to assign Placeholder Evaluations created by this evaluation link, save this record (6), re-open the evaluation link, and choose the Rebuild option.

Placeholder Evals (Clinical Faculty evaluating Students)
Path: [click the number in the Open column]
Once the individual evaluations for Clinical Faculty evaluation of Students have been built, see Rebuild (optional) below, each Clinical Faculty member assigned to the Course Section will have a "placeholder_eval".
If left in this state, when accessing the evaluation, clinical faculty will be presented with a Buildlist (see image below) via which they can select the student(s) they need to evaluate as part of this evaluation link, or sendout. However, an assigned administrator (course coordinator, director, staff admin, etc.) can also select students to be evaluated on behalf of the Clinical Faculty member. To select students to be evaluated on behalf of a clinical faculty member, follow these steps:
- Click the clinical faculty member's name.
- Choose the students the clinical faculty member will evaluate.
- Close the Buildlist screen.
- The evaluation window will open. At this point, the Clinical Faculty member can complete the evaluation(s) as needed. If an administrator selected the students as a proxy, they should simply close the evaluation and it will be ready for the Clinical Faculty member to complete.

Once an actual student has been selected from the Buildlist, that clinical faculty member will no longer see the Buildlist when accessing their assigned evaluation(s). They will be taken straight to the evaluation to complete.
Remember that multiple settings will determine how email reminders work in relation to placeholder evaluations and evaluation sendouts. Please check with a super user at your institution or in the Account Manager settings to determine how your system will handle placeholders, etc.
Remove Placeholders
If an assigned administrator has selected students from a build list on behalf of a Clinical Faculty member(s), they may also want to remove unused, or unnecessary placeholders. To do this, from the Open Evaluation list, choose "Remove" in the remove columns for the placeholders that need to be removed. Alternatively, you can choose Options > Bulk Remove Placeholders to remove all existing placeholders at once.
Before using the Bulk remove option, be sure to select students for each Clinical Faculty member as needed!
Add Evaluation
Path: Self Evaluation > Options > Add Evaluation
New Evaluation Link (Self Evaluation)
When scheduling a self-evaluation at the course section level in Leo, each individual in the assigned group(s) will be assigned a single evaluation of themselves.
- Select your Evaluation Form. Choose the evaluation form in your system that will be used for the self-evaluation.
- Add a Title (optional). We suggest using a standard naming convention for evaluation titles in Leo. The title is specific to this particular sendout, or use of, the evaluation form selected.
- Select the dates the evaluation will be available. These dates will determine when the individual will be able to complete the evaluation. The time fields are optional.
- Assign Groups for the evaluation. Select the group(s) that will be completing the self-evaluation.
- Save Link.

This list lets you specify a custom set of dates on which reminders for this evaluation will be sent. The list of dates is based on the dates of availability for this Evaluation.

- Set Email Schedule: Use this option to set a specific date(s) on which the evaluation will be sent. Using this option will override nullify any automatic evaluation reminders set to be sent out based upon your program's account manager settings. See the image and note below.
- Email Test: Click here to send yourself an example of the evaluation reminder that will be sent to evaluators. You can customize this message for each course section in Leo. View this article for more information on how to customize the eval reminder message.
- Send Reminder: Use this option to send a single, unscheduled, email reminder to your evaluators immediately.
NOTE: If you have selected any dates for the "Set Email Schedule" option, the initial reminder and reminder schedule set in the Account Manager will not be utilized for the current Evaluation link. If you remove all of the dates, the System will once again use the automated schedule to send out reminders.

Evaluations are picked up by the System during a nightly Rebuild action. This Rebuild looks for Evaluations that should be active and then sends out reminders emails for the Evaluation.
Rebuild: Manually rebuild (refresh) the Evaluation to your assigned Groups.
- This will automatically look for the start times on this Evaluation and push out reminders to the Evaluators.
- Users will see the Evaluation reminder the next time they log in or refresh their main calendar screen.

- You can set an Evaluation to apply to certain Event Types or certain Users only.
- This is an option currently available to the following types of Evaluations ONLY:
- Students Evaluating Faculty
- Faculty Evaluating Students
Select the Event Type(s) and/or User(s) you would like to be evaluated

The available options for Event Type and/or Users will depend on the Date Range you've set for the Evaluation period (the Events that will be Evaluated).
For example, if the date range you've selected has only two Event Types occurring, only those two Event Types will be displayed for selection. If this list is empty, then there are no Events available within your date range, or you have not selected any Events.
Choose what type of event you would like the Users to Evaluate.
- Each Event Type will have a number in parenthesis behind its name, indicating how many Events of that type exist in the Course during your specified date range.
- This serves as a filter so you can only view the list of instructors for a specific Event Type.
Select the specific users you would like to be evaluated.
- Each Faculty/Student in the list will have a (number) behind his/her name, indicating how many Events they are teaching, or enrolled in, in this Course (or Event type, if selected)
- Each evaluator will only evaluate each evaluatee once, although, based on the users (or event types) selected. Each evaluator may have multiple evaluations to complete (each for a different evaluatee).
If an Evaluator submitted an Evaluation prematurely (e.g. left optional questions blank) or needs to make a change, Administrators will have the ability to go into the Completed Evaluation List and Re-Open the Evaluation. Evaluations can be re-opened until they have been Summarized and Approved by the Evaluator of Record.
Step 1: Select the type of Evaluation which needs to be re-opened

- In this example, we are selecting Students Evaluating Students.
Step 2: Select the Number of Completed Evaluations

- Click on the number in the Done column to view the list of completed Evaluations.
Step 3: Re-Open a Completed Evaluation

- Check the Re-Open box for the specific User who needs to modify or finish the Evaluation.
- The Evaluation(s) selected will update when you close this page.
NOTE: You must close this page before the evaluations selected to be re-opened will be re-opened. Upon refreshing your screen, the Evaluation selected to be Re-opened will be included in the Open Status on the Course Eval Schedule screen.
Evaluations that are completed and part of a Summary Eval will not have a check box available and cannot be Re-opened unless reset by the Campus and/or Course Template Level Evaluator of Record. Please navigate to the EWF screen at the Course Template to reset the Summary Eval and then return to this screen to re-open the evaluation for access by the evaluator.
Any evaluations using forms that are set to Auto-Approve will always be available to be re-opened as they bypass the Evaluation Workflow approval process. Once an auto-approved evaluation has been re-opened and re-submitted, the evaluatee will receive another email notification of the results (if the Account Manager setting for email notifications is enabled).
Re-Open All Evaluations

- Click on the Re-Open All link to allow all Users with completed Evaluations to modify or finish the Evaluation.
When Re-Opening All Evaluations you will receive a pop-up confirming you would like all completed Evaluations re-opened.
- If you are sure you would like to Re-open the Evaluation for the All Evaluators, click Re-Open Evaluations.

Once you confirm and select Re-Open Evaluations, all Evaluations available to Re-open will appear with the check box selected.
When you Re-Open an Evaluation the data saved before the User submitted the eval will remain intact. Any additions or modifications to the Evaluation record can be made until the User resubmits the Evaluation.
The Evaluation has now successfully been re-opened and will be removed from the completed Evaluation List. The re-opened evaluation will now be included in the list of open evaluations on the Course Eval Schedule screen and must be re-submitted before it will appear as completed.