Once an Evaluation has been completed and summarized, each Student's Evaluation score can be sent to the Course's Gradebook. Scores can only be sent to the Gradebook from the Course Template level.
You will know what level of the course you are in by looking at the top-left corner of the screen. It will say one of the following: Section, Campus, Template.
Evaluation scores are determined by the numeric value assigned to its responses.
Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Section
Course Template > Evaluations > [select Evaluations for review]

Evaluations for Review
Only evaluation types that have active evaluations will be displayed here.
- Click the plus (+/-) sign for the Evaluation Type you would like to view.
- A link to each active evaluation of that type will be displayed.

The first bold number to the left of the comma inside the brackets indicates the number of Evaluations that are in one of the following statuses: Open, New, or Review.
(1). Evaluations in one of these statuses are at the Campus Level.
The second bold number to the right of the comma inside the brackets indicates the number of Evaluations that are in one of the following statuses: Submitted or Approved.
(2). Evaluations in one of these two statuses are at the Course/Section Level.
Select Evaluation for Review

NOTE: Before Evaluation scores can be pushed to the Gradebook, the Evaluations must be submitted and approved.
Eval Color Code
The Evaluation color-coded to represent the following:
- Green: New evaluation.
- Purple: Open evaluation. Record has been opened by user but not submitted.
- Gray: Evaluation has been submitted but has not been approved by the Course Template yet.
- Red: Evaluation has been approved by Course Template.
- Orange: Evaluation has been returned by the Course Template for further review.
- Blue: Evaluation has been fully approved and submitted by Course Template.
The Filter option in the upper left corner allows you to select one or more evaluation status to view. This can be helpful when attempting to summarize a very large number of Evaluations, and when viewing individual statuses at a time would be easier than viewing them all at once.
Select the option best suited and Apply Filter.

- Create a CSV detail of all individual Evaluations
- Create a PDF of this Evaluation
- Open the Gradebook for this Course
- Export All Approved Evaluations to the Gradebook. (The status will change to Closed. Only available for Evaluations of Students)
- Create a Summary Evaluations with no activity
- Summary of Evaluators with no activity
- Opens the Course Screen in a new window
- Reload the Evaluation data
- In-screen Help
- Closes the window

Evaluations in any status except New (Green) can be downloaded as a .ZIP file (.ZIP file will contain PDF's of each evaluation).
- To download a .ZIP file of your evaluations, click the small PDF icon in the top-right corner of this screen.
Evaluations must be submitted and approved

Evaluation submission is done by the Evaluator of Record at the Campus Level.
Evaluation approval is completed by the Evaluator of Record at the Template Level.
- Once Evaluations are marked Approved, click the Export Icon.
Export to Gradebook

To continue with pushing the scores to the Gradebook, click Export to Gradebook
Evaluations will now be displayed as Completed and will be closed.
You can access the Gradebook for your Course by clicking the Open Gradebook icon in the top-right corner