Leo User Guide

Materials: (QA) Quality Assurance

Updated on

This feature introduces Quality Assurance (QA) of uploaded content when activated in the Account Manager settings. Refer to the Article on Account Manager: Content Module.

When this feature is enabled, any content uploaded by Faculty becomes searchable by Course Directors and Administrators in a single report available from the Course Screen. Content must be marked as "approved" by the Course Director or administrator before it becomes visible to students.

This includes options for:

  1. "Parking" content that has technical issues and flagging them for further review by A/V Techs.
  2. "Grandfathering" content that was uploaded before the account manager setting was enabled.
  3. Hides unapproved content from students until fixed/approved.

Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] >Materials

Materials upload by Faculty or Staff will not display on Event and Section Screens until they are approved. Students and Faculty will not see the documents if that is how it was set up in the Account Manager.

Quality Assurance Queue

Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Materials > QA > QA Queue

The documents that you see in this screen are only documents that have not yet been approved.

The procedure for approving a documents is:

  1. View: Download the document (click on the file icon in the View column) and review the document.
  2. Upload: If changes need to be made, make them and save the revised document on your device with a new Version number. Then in the Upload column click the Save link and upload the corrected document. NOTE: All documents are scanned for virus, this may take a moment.
  3. Approve: In the Approve column click on the Approve link for the document. You can enter a comment if you wish.
  4. AV: If you find a document that you cannot fix, due to a technical issue, you can push the document to the A/V Tech queue for further work by checking the box.
Open QA

After you have reviewed a Document, if it is good to go, then proceed to Step (3) and Approve.

If you have made changes to the Document, Save the file with a new Version number and proceed to Step (2).

(2) Save File Re-Upload
file upload
(3) Approve

The QA Export Approval screen lets you make comments and do one of three things:

  1. Approve the content.
  2. Mark the content as Legacy.
  3. Save your comments, exit the screen.

TIP: When you return to the Course screen, refresh your screen to view your changes

Options Menu
  • QA - Open: are displayed from Courses or Events and need to be approved prior to them being released to Students for viewing.
  • QA - Approved: displays all approved content.
  • Legacy: content that has been flagged as Legacy is generally older content and are being ignored by the QA queue.
  • Set Legacy: set Legacy cutoff dates to remove old content from the Q&A Queue.
  • My Open Tech Support: A/V Tech support can open their queue.
  • Data Hold: lists all content that is not approved.

My Open Tech Support

If there are technical issues with content, the Tech Support Q&A Queue is used to inform A/V Tech support about problems.

Under Options, A/V Tech support can filter the report:

  1. Active Issues: This will show all active tickets in the tech support queue
  2. Closed Issues: This will show all closed tickets in the tech support queue
  3. My Open Issues: This will show you all of the open tickets requested/assigned to you
  4. My Closed Issues: This will show you all of the closed tickets requested/assigned to you
  5. QA Queue: Returns to QA Queue and displays all open entries

By click on NO TECH NOTES, the A/V Tech support personnel can record notes, take ownership of a record, or mark a tech support request as completed:

  1. Upload the fixed file.
  2. Make additional Tech Comments.
  3. Save the Work in Progress
  4. Take Ownership of the file.
  5. Complete the task.
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