Welcome to the Faculty Overview of Leo, powered by DaVinci Education! The sections below will provide a short introduction to some of the many features that our System offers for Faculty.
Menu Tabs

Their are three main tabs on the landing page or Home. Your view will be of the Calendar but you can also access the Courses and Search Tabs at the top of the screen
The main User Interface (UI) is based around the Calendar. The Faculty Calendars are very similar to Student Calendars.
- The Calendar opens to today's date. and it is scrollable.
- The Calendar can be organized by: Day, Week, Month, or List views. Filters can be applied to the Calendar, you can add personal Events and access More.
- Related Materials are organized on the right side panel and can be downloaded all at once or you can select specific items to download.
- Events are organized by time and place as well as color coded by Event Type. Hover over an Event to see of preview info screen about the Event.
For more detailed information about the Calendar, please refer to the Calendar article.
- Courses can be sorted by: ID, Name, Rotation, From, Until and number of Events.
- Click the Course link to go to the Course Screen for that Course.
For more detailed information, please refer to the Courses article.
Users can search across the curriculum by using a keyword search. To search for parts of a word, be sure to put the term in quotations. For example, searching micro will only return results where that specific word is found. Searching "micro" will return results where that word is found as well as results where "micro" is part of a word (microbiota, e.g.).
A number of built-in advanced filters are also available to help widen or narrow search fields and display options. Clicking on the Advanced Icon toggles the screens between the Advanced Search and Basic Search.
Calendar Filters

This screen allows you to set Filters which will be used to determine what is displayed on your Calendar. Depending on the how your system has been configured, some of the fields may not be present in your search Filter.
The most common filter is the Only events in which I am enrolled or Only events in which I am an instructor option. This make the Calendar ignore any Events in which you are not directly involved.
All of the other Filters are used to focus on a given set of events that can be defined by:
- Campus
- Program
- Location
- Event Type
- School Year
- Course
- Broadcast (Optional: This is not a default option)
By clicking on the lock icon you can lock your default course year into the filter. Click on the lock icon again to remove your default course year.
Clicking the Use Your Defaults button will clear the filters you see, and will load the default values currently saved in Your Profile.
You can always remove the filters you have set with the Clear Filters button.

Personal Events are private Events that you can create and only you can see, unless you specifically share them with others.
The following fields are required in order for the System to create the Event:
- Name
- Date
- Begin and end time
- Save Personal Event

The More feature allows you to toggle off or on weekends, see various reports and print your Calendar.

This chart shows the colors codes used in the Calendar along with a description of where the color is used.

Menu Icons

Messages can be sent as Emails and/or as Announcements from within a Section or Event. Messages can either be sent to Groups via the Section or Event screens, or to individuals as an Email from the Inbox.
- A red indicator shows this message is new, you haven't seen it in your Inbox before.
- An orange indicator shows that the message is high priority.
- If the message is bold, this means that you haven't read it yet. Click any row to view the message.
For more detailed information: refer to the Inbox article.
The Activity report will notify you of any actionable information you need to know, such as updates/changes to upcoming Events, new documents, upcoming or due Exams or Evaluations and Lotteries or Sign Ups
Possible content in the Activity screen:
- Event Cancellation or rescheduling (in close to real time)
- Evaluation Due
- Event Changes due to a Group being added/dropped from an Event.
- Event Changes due to Group membership changes
- Notification of being added or removed from a Course
- New Discussion and/or new comments
The Activity icon will automatically populate with a small number in a red box, indicating how many new or unread Activities you have.

For more information on The Pin, please refer to The Pin article.

For more information on how to use the Session Screens, please refer to the article on The Session Screen.
- Portrait listing: This report displays Students Academic Portraits that you have access to.
- Profile: Edit your personal account settings
- Exam Portal: Exam access portal
- Eval Portal: Evaluation access portal
- Sign Out: Sign out of your Account

This report displays Student Academic Portraits that you have access to. ​In order to have access to a student's Academic Portrait, you must be assigned as their Mentor in the system.
To view a portrait, click on the student's name.
TIP: For more detailed information refer to the article Portrait Listing.
Use the Profile Manager screen to manage basic default settings, and access the menus for: Groups, Courses, Change Password, Devices, Participation and Evaluations.

For more detailed information , please refer to the Profile article.
The Evaluations Portal can be used to access all active and open Evaluations which you need to complete. To access the Evaluations Portal click on your profile photo in the top right corner and select Eval Portal on the Account Menu.

The Evaluations Portal Link will take you to a report which shows all of the active and open evaluations you need to complete for the current day.
In the Evaluation Portal you will have the ability to access and complete evaluations.
Click on the Evaluation you would like to take. Once the Evaluation has been submitted the Evaluations Portal will update the list of open Evaluations.

When you are finished taking the evaluation or multiple evaluations, you can log out by clicking on the log out icon in the top right hand corner of your screen or return to the Leo System by clicking on the ->] return icon.
When an institution has enabled on-demand evaluations, Faculty can Request An Evaluation to be completed about them by another user.
- Click Request an Evaluation on the Eval Portal screen.
- Complete fields on the Request An Evaluation screen.
- Click Submit to close the Evaluation Request.
- Course Section: Use the drop-down to select the Course Section associated to the Evaluation Request.
- Associate this evaluation with an Event?: This optional drop-down allows the Evaluation Request to be associated to a particular Event when selected.
- Evaluation Form: This drop-down will provide a list of approved Evaluation forms available for Evaluation Requests.
- Evaluator: Use the Evaluator drop-down to designate where the Evaluation form should be sent.
- Notes to include in Request: Provide additional notes to be included in the Evaluation Request using by include it in the text box.
Once submitted, a confirmation message will be provided to verify the Evaluation Request was successful.

When enabled by the institution, Faculty can request to Evaluate Someone Else if they are assigned to Events in a Course.
- Course Section: Use the drop-down to select the Course Section associated to the Evaluation submission.
- Associate this evaluation with an Event?: This optional drop-down allows the Evaluation submission to be associated to a particular Event when selected.
- Evaluation Form: This drop-down will provide a list of approved Evaluation forms available for Evaluation submission.
- Evaluatee: Use this drop-down to designate the Evaluatee for the Evaluation submission..
After clicking Submit, you will be redirected to a new tab with the Evaluation Form. Respond to all questions and click Submit to complete the Evaluation.

Click Ok to confirm your submission.

- To submit completed Evaluations, click Submit.
- To view Evaluation options, click the Options drop down menu.
- To end the Evaluation without submitting, click Close.
- Move the slider to choose a rating. As the slider moves, the associated value will display.
- Click Reset Rating to remove the rating you previously chose.
- Fields marked with * are required and will need a response in order to fully submit the Evaluation.
- The Evaluation progress bar will update as the Evaluator completes the Evaluation.
- To view the Next Page of the Evaluation, select Next Page.
- To move to the next open Evaluation, select Next Eval.
Evaluations can be accessed through your Evaluation Portal as described above, as well as through the Evaluations Link in your Profile, Activity Bell notifications or the Evaluation Link sent from Leo to the email provided in your Profile.
Notification: Activity Bell

Email: Evaluation Link
Evaluators without login credentials can also complete and Evaluation without signing in to Leo. When enabled and set up by your institution, reminders will be distributed to the email associated to your Leo account. Using this link, you can complete Evaluation(s) assigned to you for completion.