Assignments in Leo are essentially inboxes or placeholders for each Student to upload their document/file/Assignment.
All Assignments must be linked to an Event.
Path: Calendar > Event > Event Screen > Assignments > [click in Manage Folder column]
This screen is used to review and score documents uploaded by Students for an Assignment.
- Students are able to upload as many documents as they want, but only the most recent document is available for grading.
- Faculty can also upload a document for a Student.
Options > Dropdown
- Export to Gradebook: At any time, the scores and comments can be exported to the Gradebook. You will need to select a Gradebook Category, so make sure you have already created that in the Gradebook.
- Students with no Documents: List of Students that have not uploaded their Assignment.
- Students with Documents: List of Students that have an uploaded Assignment.
- Export as Zip File: Create a Zip file with the Most Recent Files or Create a Zip file with All Files (these include older versions of the documents).
- Back to Folders: Select this option to return to the Student Assignments screen.

Path: Calendar > Event > Event Screen > Assignments > [click in Manage Folder column]
- Student: ID or Name
- Document (Download): Faculty can download and view the Students' Assignments.
- Upload New Document: Faculty can upload Student's work FOR them.
- Delete: Faculty can delete a document.
- Score: Text box will appear beside all documents that have been uploaded for scoring. This score can be exported to the Gradebook.
- Comment: Comments are optional. The free text comment section can be as long as a 34 pages of single spaced 12 font text. If the Score is exported to the Gradebook, the Comment will be exported too.
- Upload Date: The time is date stamped when the Assignment is uploaded.
NOTE: Grades and Comments are linked to the actual file, so if the Student uploads a new file it will have to be re-graded.
As of the February/March 2024 update to Events in Leo, we would discourage you from adding new Long Events to Leo. This update will bring together the features of Long Events and Regular Events in Leo into a new, modern user interface. Users will be able to create events, all-day events (that span one or more days), or events that start on one day and end on the next.
If you have questions about the new Events user interface, please contact the Leo Administrator at your institution.
A Long Event Assignment allows you to specify a beginning and ending date/time for a student to upload a document that will satisfy a given requirement. Normally, this is an essay or document, but it can consist of any electronic document, such as a video, image, etc.
All Assignments must be linked to an Event or Long Event. Below is the workflow to add an Assignment to a Long Event.
Path: Calendar > Long Event > Long Event Screen > Assignments > Manage Assignments
Here you will be able to create a new Assignment or view existing Assignments for this particular Event.

When creating a new Long Event Assignment there are a few key steps you need to complete in order to save the Long Event.
- Name: Add the Assignment Folder's Name (Document Name) - make sure the Assignment Name is unique for this specific Long Event.
- Description: Add an optional description and/or instructions for completing the assignment.
- Begin Date: Select the date of when the assignment will be open.
- Begin time: Add an optional time for when the assignment is open. If no time is set this will default to 12:00 AM.
- End Date: Select the date of when the assignment will close. Once the assignment is closes, students will no longer be able to modify or upload their assignments for this Long Event.
- End Time: Add an optional time for when the assignment closes. If no time is set this will default to 11:59 PM.
- Check to send an email reminder before the assignment is due: If you would like to send out a reminder message about the upcoming due date for the Assignment, check the box and indicate when you would like the email reminder sent.
- Reminder Email: If the reminder message box is checked, you can fill out an optional message you would your students to receive in the reminder email that is sent.
- Themes: You have the option to select Theme(s) that will be linked to this assignment.
- Max Score: The maximum score which can be earned for this assignment can be added here, if you plan to add this assignment to the Gradebook. If set to zero (default) any score can be entered. If a non-zero number is entered, then no score higher than this value will be allowed.
When finished creating the Long Event Assignment click Save.
Path: Calendar > Long Event > Long Event Screen > Assignments > Manage Assignments > [click in Due column]
This report shows all students assigned to an assignment that do not have an uploaded document for the assignment.
- Students are able to upload as many documents as they want, but only the most recent document is available for grading.
- Faculty can also upload a document for a Student by clicking on the student's name in the Participant column.
Grading Assignments
Path: Calendar > Long Event > Long Event Screen > Assignments > Manage Assignments > [click in Completed column]
This screen is used to review and score documents uploaded Students' assignments.
- Participant: Faculty can upload Student's work for them by clicking on the name.
- Submitted: Timestamp of when the assignment was uploaded/submitted.
- File If Applicable: Hover to see the file name and type. Click icon to download document.
- Reviewed: Faculty can check this box to indicate whether or not this assignment has been reviewed. If a new document is uploaded then the Reviewed flag will be reset.
- Score: The numeric score for a completed Assignment can be entered in the text box.
- Comment: Comments are optional. The free text comment section can be as long as a 34 pages of single spaced 12 font text.
NOTE: Grades and comments are linked to the actual file, so if the Student uploads a new file it will have to be re-graded.
Options > Drop-down
- Long Event Activities: This report displays all of the assignments (documents and exams) that have been created for this activity. From this report you can look review student activity within each assignment and can edit the assignment settings.
- Refresh: Click to refresh this screen.
- Export Scores: At any time the scores and comments can be exported to the Gradebook.
- Export as Zip File: This option will create a zip file containing all of the files uploaded by students for this assignment.

When an Assignment is due in a Long Event, a colored bar will appear on the Calendar and is displayed over the specified days that the Long Event occurs.
- Click the Long Event bar to open the Long Event Screen.

Select Assignments
- Click the Assignment Name to upload document/file.
- Select document/file.
- Click Save File

Click Close to confirm upload.

The Assignment was successfully uploaded.
Note: The Assignment is no longer bold and a check mark displays next to the Assignment title.