For every Course in Leo, there is a Gradebook:
- Each entry in the Gradebook can be manually adjusted and scores from the Gradebook can be exported to a spreadsheet (.CSV format) for use in other applications.
- Grades for each Course Section will also appear in students' Academic Portraits if the option is enabled.
Path: Home > Courses > [Course Screen] > Assessment > Gradebook

NOTE: Only Users with sufficient access privileges can see and manage the Gradebook. Typically, these include the Faculty and Course Directors, that have been assigned to the Course and/or its Events, or Staff Administrators that have access to the entire curriculum.
However, this may be different at your school or program. Your local Administrator will know more about any specific access settings that are in place at your institution.
Gradebook Menu

- Click the Manage Categories button. Use the Manage Categories window to add new categories and to adjust settings for existing categories (see below).
A Category in the Gradebook is what determines how the final grade for the Course can be calculated.
- Each Category can be assigned a percentage of the total grade.
- When these category percentages are totaled, they must equal 100%.

- Choose "Add Category".
- Enter a category name.
- Delete an existing Category by choosing the trash icon next to the category settings.
- Adjust relevant settings, including the Category percentage, name, release status, etc.
- Check "Exclude" to have a Category not be part of the grade. Exclude can only be used when percentage is used for the Relative Value Calculation. Do not use Exclude if using raw points for grade calculation.
- Drag and drop to re-order how categories will be displayed in the gradebook.
- Click Save before closing the screen to accept/apply your changes.
Tip: You must release a category before any assignments in that category can be released to students. See Manage Assignments below.
NOTE: If you delete a Category, all entries within that Category will also be deleted.
An Assignment holds scores for students enrolled in the course section. There are many sources of Assignments, such as:
- Exams
- Evaluations
- Assignments (documents to be uploaded and graded)
- Evaluations
- Manual Entry/Import

- Click Manage Assignments. Use the Manage Assignments window to add new assignments and to adjust settings for existing assignments (see below).

- Click Add Assignment to create a new column in the gradebook.
- Use the settings to re-name, adjust the max score, percentage, and released status of each assignment. Note! All assignments within a given category must equal 100% before you can save your assignments.
- Drag and drop to change the sequence of assignments and/or move an assignment to a different category.
- Use the trash icon to remove the assignment from the gradebook.
- Use the merge icon to merge one assignment into another. Click on the icon for assignment you want to disappear, and select the assignment you want to remain.
- Click Save to close the Manage Assignments window.

- Click the gear wheel for options to export and import grades for a specific assignment, and view assignment statistics.
- Any assignment that is not visible to students (i.e. not released) will have a lock icon visible in the administrative view of the gradebook. Open the Manage Assignments and/or Manage Categories window to make changes to an assignments released status.
- Click on a student's score to open the input screen to adjust a student's grade.
- The comment bubble will appear if a comment is present. Mouseover this icon to view the comment, or edit it from the Edit Scores windown.
For more information refer to the article on Input Grades to Course Gradebook
The Gradebook data can be exported as a spreadsheet in .CSV format.
There are two export options:
- Include Comments: the report will include a comment column for each assignment.
- Include Incompletes: the report will include an incomplete column for each assignment.

Click Options > Export Gradebook to begin exporting. You will then be prompted to select the export format you prefer.
This example is using with comments without incompletes.
To utilize the Import Gradebook option for importing scores your data source must be a .CSV file from the Export Gradebook option in the Gradebook.
The Import Gradebook .CSV file should include the following fields in this order:
- Column Number 1: Student last name.
- Column Number 2: Student first name.
- Column Number 3: Affiliation.
- Column Number 4: A valid System User ID or Alternate User ID.
- Column Number 5: The Average Score, which can be any real number, such as 1.25, 4, 22.8. Blank or 0 values will NOT update the Score after Upload.
- Columns 7-9 (and beyond): Numeric score, Alpha score, comments, and incomplete flag. Each assignment will have 2-4 columns available for updates depending on your export settings (e.g. include comments and include incompletes).
- Rows Number 1-3: The content included in the Gradebook export file, including the Column Headers, Assignment Name and Column ID - Score Type. These rows should not be edited.
NOTE That the first three rows are reserved for headers. You must leave the structure of the download CSV template intact for the upload CSV to work. This means do not remove columns or headers from after downloading the CSV template.
Once the .CSV file is updated and ready for upload utilize the Options > Import Gradebook item to import scores to the Gradebook
- Click the Import Gradebook option.
- Select Choose File and browse to select modified CSV export file.
- Select Submit to Upload CSV file.

NOTE: You cannot upload a New Assignment via the full gradebook import function. Assignments must be created in the Gradebook Screen.

If you want scores from a course gradebook to also be visible to students and student mentors in the Academic Portrait, choose "Show Grades in Portrait".
Only the grades, assignments, and final grades that are released in the section gradebook will show in the Academic Portrait.

The Finalize option will flag the grades as final. The data is then flagged as final in the database and a tag is added to the gradebook screen. Once the gradebook is finalized, it cannot be "un-finalized" or finalized a second time. Essentially, this option can only be used once per course section in Leo. You will see a "Finalized" flag, the date it was finalized, and the name of the user who finalized the grades on the main gradebook screen.
You can also see which sections in a course are finalized by accessing the section screen > R1 (or other number to access multiple rotations in a single academic year) > Finalized column.
If needed, grade changes, remediation, etc., student grades can be adjusted after a gradebook is finalized. This option only sets a flag for when the course grading was generally complete for all students.
NOTE: The finalize feature does not have significant bearing on gradebook functionality. This was designed for schools with someone with SQL experience who can retrieve that data from the database. If the finalized option is grayed out, the course section gradebook has already been finalized.

Click the Manage Deleted link to see a list of all Assignments or Categories that have been marked as Deleted from the Gradebook.
- You can restore an assignment by using the restore function.
- To completely remove an assignment from Leo, use the Purge function.
NOTE: You can always restore deleted entries in the Gradebook by viewing the Deleted Items list and restoring the individual items.
Additional Gradebook Features

1. Use the Export Scores option to export individual gradebook assignments as a .csv file. Numeric scores, alpha scores, incomplete status, and comments can be entered and the file can be re-uploaded to Leo to record the changes.
2. Use the import option to import individual gradebook assignments. You can upload either (1) the edited .csv that was generated via the "Export Scores" option, or (2) your own .csv file with the following headers:
- Column A: ID (this can be their NetID, or other alternate ID). Required.
- Column B: Last Name. Optional.
- Column C: First Name. Optional.
- Column D: Numeric score. Optional.
- Column E: Alpha score. Optional.
- Column F: Comments. Optional.
- Column G: Incomplete (yes/no). The default for this field is "no", so leaving this empty or entering no will both result in not marking the assignment incomplete. To mark an assignment incomplete enter "Yes". Optional.
The only required field if you utilize your own .csv to import scores is the ID field. The name fields will be ignored and their official names in Leo will be used. Any values entered in columns D - G will updates the corresponding fields in the course gradebook.

To import an individual assignment, choose the "Import" option for the relevant assignment in the gradebook.
- Select the .csv file with the updated information.
- Select the ID source utilized in your import file.
- Select "Import".

Comments or notes for Students can be added to individual Assignments via direct entry in the edit scores window, or via gradebook or assignment upload.
- Hover over a comment icon in the gradebook to see the comment for that individual student assignment.
- To edit a comment, click the grade to open the edit score window.
- Make the needed changes to add/edit a comment to the comment field for that student.
- Click Save.
Remember! Any comments added to student event assignments or discussion grades will automatically show up in this field when scores are pushed to the gradebook.