Leo User Guide

Goals and Objectives: Manually Create

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This article will show you how to create a Goals and Objectives manually.

Optionally, Goals and Objectives can be added through a batch import. Refer to Bulk Import: Goals and/or Bulk Import: Objectives

NOTE: Make sure you first create a Goals and Objectives Version before starting this process.

Path:  Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Mapping > Organization > Goals and Objectives > [Select Version]

Step 2: Select a G&O Version
  • Version: Select a Goals and Objectives Version from the drop-down menu.
  • Run Report.
New Goal

This screen is used to create or edit a Goal record. Each Goal has to have:

  • Goal Number: You can assign any number you like as the Goal Number.
    • You can number consecutively or you can skip numbers in case another Goal will be added later between Goals.
    • NOTE: A single Goal Number can only be used once.
  • Goal Name:
  • Description: Description is optional but useful
  • Category: Select from the drop down arrow
  • GO Version: Select from the drop down arrow
  • Save Goal and exit

NOTE:  that you cannot delete a Goal with one or more active Objectives.  You will have to remove or re-assign all of the Objectives prior to deleting the Goal.

Step 4: Fill out the required fields (*)

Set the Academic Year for your new Version

NOTE: In order for your new G&O Version to be visible and usable for mapping, you must assign it to an Academic Year.

Refer to New Academic Year Maintenance article for setting the new Academic Year and Program

View Objectives

This report is used to manage the list of Objectives that are linked to a given Goal. In this screen you can:

  •  Delete an Objective
  •  Assign a new number to an Objective (renumber)
  •  Merge one Objective in the list with another Objective in the list
  •  View any previously deleted Objectives
  •  Get a quick summary of the learning objects linked to an Objective
  •  See the number of Competencies linked to the Objective and manage the list


  1. Goal: Click to edit Goal
  2. Objectives: Click to view Objectives
  3. Merge: For more detailed information, refer to G&O: Merge Two Goals
  4. XLS: Use the Excel icon link to generate a detailed spreadsheet of the Events linked to this Objective for a given Academic and (optional) School year.

View Objectives

  1. Objective Name: Click to edit Objective
  2. Competency Count: Click to link Competencies
  3. Merge
  4. XLS: Click to export Objective and linked Competency

Edit Objective

This screen is used to create or manage an Objective linked to a Goal. In general, you should not make any major revisions to an Objective once it has been linked to learning objects as you may change the meaning of the Objective and invalidate the existing links.

This screen will also ensure that the Objective number you select is unique for the current Goal and G&O Version.

You can get a quick summary of learning objects linked to this Objective by clicking the Connected Learning Objects option in the screen.

New Objective

To create a new Objective for your Goal, click New Objective.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  • Linked to Goal: Input the Goal #
  • Objective Number: Give the Objective a number
  • Name: Give the Objective a name. The Objective name is limited to 250 characters.
  • Description: (Optional)
  • Save Objective: Completes the process
Step 7: Fill out the required fields (*)

NOTE: You can assign any number you like as the Objective Number. You can number consecutively or you can skip numbers in case another objective will later be added between Objectives. However, a single Objective Number can only be used once.

Deleted Objectives

If you are reviewing a Deleted objective, the following fields will be hidden:

  • Objective Number
  • The Goal Number
  • Save Button

These fields will remain hidden until you un-delete the record. The Objective number field is part of a Unique Key, which means that only one record for a given Goal in a given G&O Version, can have that number. So, when a record is deleted, the Objective number is erased (so you can assign than number to another record).


This report shows a detailed list of the Goals linked to Categories with the current G&O Version. You can drill down to a detail list of Objectives for each Goal.

You can also view other summary and detail views of G&O information using the report options on this screen.

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