The AAMC has consolidated the Curriculum Inventory (CI) report and introduced the SCOPE Survey in November 2023. We will continue to support you during this transition. If you have questions, please feel free to contact our Help Desk.
The list of steps below will help you prepare the Curriculum Inventory (CI) Report. Please complete each step in the following order.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Mapping > Curriculum Inventory >Programs
In order to get started, review your current settings and curriculum mapping.
- Select the Program.
- Click on the CI Export Settings to check the settings for your Program.
Edit fields and click Save Record when completed.

If you have successfully submitted the CI Report using Leo in previous years, you do not need to change the CI Export settings.
CI Programs
The CI Program links your Program to an accreditation group. If you are submitting for the first time, you will need to set up the CI Program in order to run CI reports and exports. Please contact our team for support adding the accreditor or Program information.
Other information sets included in the CI module are:
Path: Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Mapping > Curriculum Inventory
- CI Assessment Methods (AM)
- CI Instructional Methods (IM)
- CI Competencies. This is the PCRS Competency Set required for the CI Report
- CI Resources
Within each category, you will find original, updated lists from the AAMC. These items must be mapped to the corresponding elements that you utilize in your mapping. There is often an automap option, which should be used if you are utilizing these original lists in your mapping. Otherwise, you must match up your list to this one - with at least a 1:1 relationship.

You should not edit the lists here. There is a separate (identical) set of the IM, AM, Keywords and Resources under Curriculum Mapping that can be utilized for your institutional mapping. If your lists are different than what is listed here, then you must establish the mapping relationship between them, often manually.
NOTE: Our team receives annual updates from the AAMC and these lists reflect any necessary changes. Currently, Resources and Keywords are not required but may still be utilized and included in your CI report.
Finally, click on CI Sections.
- Select an Academic Year from the dropdown list.
- From the Courses listed in that Year, select which Section/Rotation of the Course will be included in the report.
Some institutions map all of their Sections/Rotations, while others only map one Section/Rotation per Course and choose to include this specific section as a representative example. The AAMC gives you the option to do this either way, as long as what is included in the report reflects a typical student experience.
If you wish to change the Section that is reported, click on the CI Section for that particular Course. You will see a dropdown list of all the Sections for that Course. You can then select which one to include in the report.
Just because a Course appears on this list, does not mean that it will be included in your CI Report. The Courses identified here will be available for selection when you create the Sequence Blocks. Only the Courses that are selected for the Sequence Blocks will be included in your CI Report.
This report will show you all of the Sequence Blocks for the selected Program and Academic Year. This is a good visual check to verify whether the curriculum has been represented correctly.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Mapping > Curriculum Inventory > Sequence Blocks > [Select Program] > [Select Year]
If your curriculum is generally the same this year as in the previous year, complete a Rollover to review your Sequence Blocks. However, it is not advised to do a Rollover if the curriculum has radically changed since the last time it was reported for the CI.

Rollover for Sequence Blocks
- Select a Year (i.e. Academic Year) to copy that data to the present year's report.

The Preview will give you a list of Courses that cannot be rolled over.
- Destination Year: You can fix this by clicking on the destination year.
- Replace: Select the Course that will be used for recreating the Sequence Blocks in the Destination Year.
- Select Course
- Refresh

Once you have finished, click Yes to proceed.

You will then be taken to the Report View for the Sequence Blocks.
From this screen you can do any of the following:
- Create new Sequence Blocks by clicking Add.
- Map Sequence Blocks to additional Sequence Blocks.
- Map Courses to existing Sequence Blocks.

Review and Revise Sequence Blocks

When creating a new Sequence Block, the following fields are available:
- Name: The name of your new Sequence Block.
- Description: (optional) A brief description of what the Sequence Block represents.
- School Year: The School Year that the Sequence Block is associated with.
- Required: (optional) Indicates if the Sequence Block is a required part of the curriculum.
- Minimum: The minimum number of items from this Sequence Block that a student may take. For optional Courses/Electives, the value is 0. If the Sequence Block is for Selective Courses, indicate the minimum number of Selectives required for this block.
- Maximum: The maximum number of items from this Sequence Block that a student may take. For example, if students can select up to 5 out of 10 possible Selectives, the maximum number is 5 - since that is the most the student can take.
- Track: (optional) Indicates whether this Sequence Block is a track within the curriculum.
Order: Indicates the order in which the curriculum is organized. Values are as follows:
- Ordered - The items in this Sequence Block need to be taken in a set order. Examples typically include basic science and required courses such as those taken in the first two years.
- Unordered - The items in this Sequence Block do not need to be taken in a set order. Examples often include Electives.
- Parallel - The items in the Sequence Block are offered in parallel. Examples often include an LIC, longitudinal course, etc.
Click Save Record when all required (*) and desired optional fields are entered.
NOTE: Repeat this step until all necessary Sequence Blocks are added.
To link your new Sequence Block to a parent level, click the number link under the Mapped Sequence Blocks column in the Report View.

- Select the Sequence Block you would like to link this block to.
- The default list shows existing Sequence Blocks with the same Academic Year and School Year.
- The Extended List shows Sequence Blocks for the same Academic Year and across all School Years.
Extended List

If the Sequence Block you are mapping to has the Order Field set to Ordered, you will be able to set the Order of Occurrence for the sequence. 1=1st, 2=2nd, 3=3rd, etc.
To change the Order of Occurrence for a Sequence Block that has already been added, right click the Sequence Block name within the Selected Sequence Block column on the right to make your changes.

- Select the order you would like this block to be shown.
- Once you select a block, you will be able to set the Order of Occurrence (but only if the Order field is set to Ordered in Step 3).
- Click Ok when you are done.

To edit or change the order number, right-click the number.

NOTE: A block can only be linked to one parent block. It cannot be linked to multiple blocks.

Click the number link to add Courses to your block.

- When you select a Course from the choices shown in the left column, you will be asked to define the settings (see below).
- By default, this list will contain Courses belonging to the same School Year associated with the selected block.
- The Extended List includes Courses from other School Years.
- If you wish to edit the options for a Course that you have already added to a Sequence Block, right-click the Course name (in the right column) to display the Course options.
- To remove a Course from a Sequence Block, click the Course name in the right column to move it to the left column.
- If a desired Course is not available for selection, check to ensure it is marked as Primary within the Course Template.
- When you are done adding Courses, click the small square icon in the top-right corner of the screen to exit.
Note: Each Sequence Block has to have at least one Course or other Sequence Block within it. You cannot have empty Sequence Blocks.

NOTE: While all Course Templates for the selected School Year (or all School Years for the extended list) are listed, not all of those Course Templates may be currently active. A count of the number of active Courses for the current Academic Year is shown at the end of each Course description.
A Course has the following properties and values:
- Required: Options include: Required, Optional, Required In Track.
- Order: Options include: Ordered, Unordered, Parallel. Leave this field as the default "Ordered". If you think you need to change this option, please contact your System Administrator or the Leo Help Desk.
- Clerkship Model: If the Course is not a clerkship, select Not a Clerkship. If this Course is a clerkship, select Rotation or Integrated to reflect your clerkship type.
- Order of Occurrence: This indicates the order that this Course appears within the Sequence Block (i.e. 1=1st, 2=2nd, 3=3rd, etc). This option is only available if the Sequence Block you are mapping to is set to Ordered. If the Sequence Block setting is set to Parallel or Unordered, it will not have an Order of Occurrence property.
Once you have set the options for the Course, click OK to continue adding the Course.
Switching between the Tree view and the Report view
All changes made in one of the two available views (Tree View vs. Report View) will carry over to the other view.
There is a second method for building your Sequence Blocks, using a tool called the Tree View.
When you click on the Tree View, you will be able to see the curriculum represented visually. The Tree View needs to be expanded to see all of the details for each various folder.
- Click the small triangle to the left of the Year to expand the items in that Year.
- Or, you can check the box for Expand All to expand all of the items in the list at once.
- Report View will return you to the CI Sequence Blocks Report.

The Sequence Block Icons:
- Pencil icon: Edit Sequence Block.
- White plus sign: Add Sequence Block.
- Green plus sign: Add Course(s) to the Sequence Block.
NOTE: There are two levels of folders.
For example, here we have a Year 1 folder and within that are individual folders for each element (i.e. Longitudinal Courses and Year One Electives) within that Year 1 Block/Program.

The Tree View and the Report View use the same data. You can switch back and forth between the two views without losing your work.
This is a sample Report, limited to Leo. Nothing is reported to the AAMC when you run a sample Report.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Mapping > Curriculum Inventory > Reports
- Select a CI Program from the CI Program list.
- Select a (Academic) Year from the dropdown list.

Click Run the Report to proceed.
Click Stop if you do not wish to proceed.
You will see a Progress screen while the Report is being generated.

- Preview allows you to see the structure of the report, which you can expand upon for more information.
- Exceptions reflect AAMC CI business rule violations and will need to be fixed before a report can be submitted. You cannot submit until the number of Exceptions is at 0, otherwise the AAMC will not accept your report. Click on the number of Exceptions, to see a detailed list of Exceptions.
- Warnings indicate information that you should be aware of but which do not violate any AAMC business rules for the CI report. Even with a Warning count higher than zero, the CI report can be submitted. Click on the number of Warnings to see the list of Warnings. Warnings are generally issued when a required value has been left out and was instead assigned a default value. The Warnings report allows you to review how the system set these defaults and you will have the option to edit the values represented by the warnings.

This is an example of a report preview. Click a Sequence Block to expand that section. Click to expand each Course to view details:
- The Course's information,
- Objectives that have been mapped to the course,
- List of events in the course, etc.
NOTE: Any item on this list contained in a blue box can be clicked for expansion.
Below is a sample of the Exceptions report. Click on the Exception link to be taken to the area of the system where you can fix the item causing the business rule violation.

When you have run the Sample Report and are satisfied with the results, you can submit the CI Report directly from the Leo Submission Center to the AAMC CI Portal.
Click on Submit. It is recommended that you Submit the Report to the AAMC from the Leo site to save time and avoid duplicated effort.
Click on Status to check the status of your submission.
Click on Download XML to download and save a copy of the XML file that has been submitted to the AAMC.
Once the CI Report is submitted, if there are no errors, the AAMC returns a PDF for verification within 3-5 business days to the institution. Leo does not receive a copy of what is sent back by the AAMC, even if the CI Report has been submitted through our system, though we can now access your report from the CI Vendor Portal to better support you should you have a question.
A Dean or other senior representative from your institution must sign off on your Verification Report in order to complete your CI submission.