Leo User Guide

CI: Reports

Updated on

This is a list of all of the reports you have defined for the current Program and your accreditation body.

Path: Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Mapping > Curriculum Inventory > Reports > [Select CI Program] > Select Year]

Active Reports

Upon running a report, Exceptions and Warnings will be generated.  You can click on the Exception count to get a detailed list of Exceptions.  You will also be able view non-fatal Warnings in another report available from the Exception report.

All Exceptions must be fixed. 

However, Warnings are simply provided for your information.  Once you have resolved the Exceptions, you must run the report again before submitting.

Column Header menu features:

  • Program: Name of Program
  • Report: Click to edit the Report
  • Download: Click here to generate and download an XML export. NOTE: you CANNOT run the preview option until you have generated this XML file.
  • Preview: This option will provide a tool for you to do a high level review of the last XML file generated using a toll that displays the data in an easily understood format.
  • Exceptions: Click here to see a detailed list of the Exceptions
  • Warnings: Click here to see a detailed list of the Warnings

Add New Report

This  screen is used to set up the basic information required to run a CI  report. The Program and Year have already been selected and cannot be  changed. Fill in the required fields and save the record and the report  will be available to be run.

Submission Center

The Submission Center report is where you can:

  • Verify that Leo can upload reports for you
  • Upload your report
  • Check on the status of your report
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