Path: Home > Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Mapping > Reports > Competencies
The Competency Tree View allows you to view all the Competencies that have been linked to Courses, Events, Events, Exams, Materials/Documents, Session Objectives, Diagnoses, and Procedures in your system through Goals and Objectives.
It is an expanded overview of the overall mapping of your curriculum.

TIP: Quickly expand or collapse all items in the list by using the + or - signs located at the top-right corner screen.
NOTE: Due to the potentially large amount of data, the Competency Tree is for online-viewing only. There is no option to print or export the information listed in the tree.
The Comprehensive Summary report allows you to look at how competencies have been mapped to various learning objects, such as:
- Learning Events
- Courses
- Exams
You will be asked to select the learning object you want to review and:
- The Academic Year
- The School Year or phase
- Competencies: The Competency Set
- G&O: The reporting level: Goal or Objective

Report Mode:
- Standard - Grid report of competency/objective count per course
- Assessment - Summary report of Assessment method counts per competency/objective, with link to a detailed listing for each competency/objective
- Instructional - Summary report of Instructional method counts per competency/objective, with link to a detailed listing for each competency/objective
- Resource - Summary report of program objective and Resource type counts per competency, with link to a detailed listing for each competency
- Exception: - Get a report of competency counts over or below a specified threshold
NOTE: Selecting the Assessment (LCME) or Instructional (LCME) will put the report in LCME formatting.

This report runs in CIP mode, which means that only the one section in each course that is tagged to represent the course will be included in the report.
From the LCME:
Competencies, Program Objectives, and Outcome Measures
The faculty of a medical school define its medical education program objectives in outcome-based terms that allow the assessment of medical students’ progress in developing the competencies that the profession and the public expect of a physician. The medical school makes these medical education program objectives known to all medical students, faculty, residents, and others with responsibility for medical student education and assessment. In addition, the medical school ensures that the learning objectives for each required learning experience (e.g., course, clerkship) are made known to all medical students and those faculty, residents, and others with teaching and assessment responsibilities in those required experiences.
List each general competency and demonstrate the relationship between each general competency expected of graduates, the medical education program objectives, and the outcome measure(s) specifically used to assess students’ attainment of each related objective and competency. Add rows as needed.