This screen lets you select the Version of Goals and Objectives to manage. G&O Versions allow you to maintain multiple current Versions of Goals and Objectives for different Programs on the same system as well as historical Versions of Goals and Objectives.
The G&O Version is linked to the Academic Year. In turn the Academic Year is assigned to Courses.
It is this link that lets Courses know which Version of G&O to use.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Mapping > Organization> Goals and Objectives > Version Manager

Create new Version
- Create new Version: Click to create a new Version
- Name: To edit or delete an existing Version, click the name of the Version
Edit G&O Version Record
A G&O Version links Goals and Objectives together to form a unique set of Goals and Objectives.
You should never revise Goals and Objectives that have already been used (you can add new records - just don't change the existing records).
If you need to make changes to your G&O, clone the existing G&O Version and then modify the newly created Version.

NOTE: You cannot delete a G&O Version if it is attached to an active academic year.
Assign Academic Year for Version
In order for your new G&O Version to be visible and usable for mapping, you must assign it to an Academic Year.
For more detailed information refer to: Course Management: Program Settings > Years and Dates