The CI Program option ties your Programs to an accreditation group.
IMPORTANT: You cannot run CI Exports until the CI Program has been set up.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Mapping > Curriculum Inventory > Programs
This screen is used to define the basic settings for a Program. Both the name and description are required.
- Gradebook - If you are locking down the Gradebook, this option will let you specify those Users that have universal access. If are not locking down the Gradebook, you do not need this option.
- Change Abbreviation - This option will allow you to change the Abbreviation (code) for this program. Your system may have custom Registrar logic the depends on these codes, so be sure that you have verified that it is safe to change codes.
NOTE: There is an additional field to define how Document Distribution Setting is run. This option can be turned off by the System Administrator and may not appear on your screen.
The data on this screen will define your CI Export Settings. Complete all mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*).
- Name: Set a name for your CI Program (ex. CI for Medicine).
Accreditor: Begin typing or double-click the text box to get a drop-down list of options to choose from. The options in this field must already exist in the system (you cannot create a new option from this screen).
- To create a new option for this menu, see our article on Adding an Accreditor.
- Program: Choose from the programs already defined in your system. Begin typing or double-click the text box to get a drop-down list of options.
- Domain Name: This will be the URL for your system (ex. https://yourorganization/
- CI Program ID: This ID usually comes from the accreditation body.
- CI Program Name: Set a name for the Program (different from the Name field at the top).
- Institution ID: This number will be provided by your accreditation body.
- Institution Name - Postal Code: Type the address of your institution.
- Country Code: Type "US" for United States.
- Education Context: This field is optional. Begin typing or double-click the text box to get a drop-down list of options to choose from.
- Profession: This field is optional. Begin typing or double-click the text box to get a drop-down list of options to choose from.
When you are done, click Save Record to save and continue.