Resource records are used to track resources used in learning events, such as video systems, clickers, etc. They can be assigned via the Mapping options in Events.
Path: Home > Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Mapping > Organization > Resources
This input screen allows to create, update, or delete a given resource record.
Resource records are used to track resources used in Events, such as video systems, clickers, etc. This input screen allows to create, update, or delete a given resource record.
If you just want to remove the resource from one program, then use the Click to Manage List tool to remove from the program.
If you just want to remove the resource from one program, then use the linking tool to remove from the program. Deleting the record here removes it from all programs.
This report lists all deleted resource records. You can un-delete a resource record by editing it and setting the deleted status to No.
Use the drop-down to select one Program from the list. This report is used to manage the resources that have been assigned to a given Program.
Use the XML link to generate an XML export to a file on your device or to place on an XML server repository.