Leo User Guide

People: Reports Overview

Updated on

These reports are intended as tools to help you manage your Users. They include options to view Users by various categories (affiliation, type, etc).  There are also a number of exception reports to allow you to find and address issues that may be affecting your User database, such as Users who are not being updated by an automated feed.

Path: Home > Admin Toolbar > People > Reports

For an explanation of the icons used in Reports, please refer to Report Icons.

  • Updated Users: This screen will let you enter a date range that will then be used to show you a list of all Users who were last updated within that date range.
  • Inactive Users: This report will show you all of the Inactive Users in your system.
  • Temporary Users: This report will show you all of the Temporary Users in your system.
  • Personal Groups: All Users are members of their own Personal Group.
  • By Affiliation: This report shows a summary list of all Users by their Affiliation. For Students, it is normally their School Year. For Staff and Faculty it is often their Department.
  • Roster Exceptions: This Report will show you a list of Users who have not been updated or referenced in any way by your automated User record feed.  
  • netID Report: Listing of all netIDs.
  • Source Exceptions: This report will show you all Users that were created by an external data feed where the User's Role in Leo is different than the Role specified in the data feed.
  • Password Reset Requests: This report shows all Users that will be forced to change their password the next time they log in.
  • Locked Out Accounts: The system tracks each failed login that occurs.
  • Reminder Report: This report shows how many reminders were sent out based on then original send date. NOTE: that each date is broken out by Program.
  • Non-Students in Student Groups: 
  • Email Listing: The purpose of this report is to view the email addresses of Users and to use filters to see subsets of these email addresses.
  • iCal Settings: This report will allow you to see the basic iCAL settings for all Users in your system.
  • Last Login: Listing of last login to Leo by User.
  • Student Reports:
    • Activity: This screen lets you create the basic settings for the Student Activity Report which will show activity for Students for a given date range.
    • Schedule: This screen allows you to select the Program, Academic Year, and School Year for the Student Roster report.
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