This report allows you to manage the Notes Categories within the Academic Portrait and its associated Programs.
Path: Admin Toolbar > People > Student Portraits > Notes > Notes Categories
- Add New Category: Click to create a new Notes Category
- Deleted Categories: Click to view deleted Notes Categories
- Category Click to Edit: Select the name to edit the Notes Category
(1) Add New Category
This screen allows you to add an Academic Portrait Note Category.
- The Name and Program fields are required.(*) The description field is optional.
- Save Record
- TIP: You will not be able to delete a Note Category that is already linked to existing Notes.

(2) Deleted Notes Category
This report lists deleted Academic Portrait Notes Categories and their associated Programs. To un-delete a Note Category, click on its name and then un-check the Deleted box.
(3) Edit Existing Note Category
This screen allows you to edit an Academic Portrait Note Category.
- The Name and Program fields are required.
- The Description field is optional.
- To delete a Note Category, check the Deleted box.
- Save Record