This option allows Administrators the ability to manage, view and download documents from a list of Active Portfolios.
Path: Admin Toolbar > People > Student Portraits > Portfolios > Material Listing
This is a list of all the active Portfolio Templates which have been assigned and unassigned.
To view a detailed record of documents associated to a Portfolio click on the Portfolio name to view.
Listing of Documents
The Listing of Documents screen, will provide a list of all the assigned document types by Category for the chosen Portfolio. The report also highlights the number of Users who have been assigned to the Portfolio and how many Uploaded documents are associated to the Portfolio of users assigned to this portfolio as well as how many documents have been uploaded.
To access the list of Students and the documents which have been uploaded, click on the Student number.
Listing of Students
This report shows a list of users by Affiliation for the chosen document type filtered to the chosen Portfolio. If an individual User's Portfolio has a material uploaded for the document type, it will be listed and be available to download.
To view a particular User's document click on the File Name. The document will be downloaded to your computer for viewing.
For more information on how to build out a Portfolio please refer to the Portfolios: Templates