Leo User Guide

User Management Screen

Updated on

This article will show you how to manually add, edit, and remove User Accounts in Leo.

NOTE: Only Users with System Administrators and Super Users will be able to make changes to User Accounts.

Path: Admin Toolbar > People > User Management

  1. Search for a User by entering their name in the field. If there are multiple matches, you can pick the User record you want to view.
  2. Create New User option to create a new User record. NOTE: Be sure to run a search for the User first to avoid creating duplicate Users.
  3. List All Users option to view a list of all Users. You can then edit any User on the list.
(2) Create New User

This screen is used to create or maintain User accounts within Leo. There are a number of elements of the User record that are unique to Leo, and this screen is where you can manage those unique settings.

This screen also links a number of special functions to manage the Groups, Roles, password, and other settings for the User, as well as a list of the User's (if they are a Student) Courses and Roster history.

One of the most important settings within the User screen is the definition of the User's primary Role. There are three main options:

  1. Student - Users with this designation will be locked out of all administrative functions, irrespective of other settings.
  2. Staff - Users with this setting have limited administrative access unless directly linked to a Course or Event
  3. Faculty - Faculty have limited administrative access unless they are in the Role of Course Director or Instructor for an Event

NOTE: The options available depend on the type of User record being edited. There are options available for Students that are not required for Staff or Faculty, and vice-versa.

Fill out the required fields (*), on this page.

Make sure to define the new User's primary Role in the system. There are three main options:

  1. Student: Any User with this designation will be locked out of all administrative functions, irrespective of other settings.
  2. Faculty: Faculty have limited administrative access unless they are in the Role of Course Director or Instructor within an Event.
  3. Staff: Users with this setting have limited administrative access unless directly linked to a Course or Event.

To save your changes and complete the account creation process, click Save User Record.

Note: Affiliation information can be viewable to all users in various reports throughout Leo. If you have sensitive information included in your Affiliations we recommended creating coded Affiliations.

NOTE: If the new User is a Faculty or Staff member, be sure to set the NEVER a Student field to Yes.

  • NEVER a Student: Set to YES
  • Faculty: Set to YES for Faculty
  • Faculty Type: Click the chevron to select the Faculty Type
  • Staff: Set to YES for Staff

Define User Roles

You will be immediately prompted to define the Roles for your new User.

  • To assign a Role, click a link in the Available Roles column to move it to the Selected column on the right.
  • You can remove a Role by clicking the link in the Selected Roles column, and moving it to the column on the left.
  • When are you done, click the small black square located at the top right corner of the screen to save and close the screen.

Roles are used to quickly assign Users to a set of Groups that will give them the proper security level and Group memberships required for them to perform their duties.

Roles are like labels and are used to quickly assign Users. Each Role in Leo has a list of Groups assigned to it. When you assign a User to a Role, the User is given Group Membership to all the Groups associated with that Role. It is basically a tool to automate the assignment of Users to large numbers of Groups.

TIP: There is no confirmation message upon adding a new User to Leo. If you are unsure about whether or not Leo saved your new User account, return to the User Management screen and search for the new User's name.

(3) All Users Listing

Manage Users from this screen.

Edit User Record/Account

In this example, Holly Jung is a Staff member. From the User Management screen, she can be assigned to Groups, Roles, and many other functions.

Note: Affiliation information can be viewable to all users in various reports throughout Leo. If you have sensitive information included in your Affiliations we recommended creating coded Affiliations.

Role Assignment

Group Assignment


If the user requires a local password to access Leo, that can be managed from this screen.

  • To change, or reset the user's current password, begin typing the new password in the Password field.
  • Be sure the password meets all of the listed requirements.
  • Type the password again in the Confirm Password field.
  • The Password Match indicator will notify you if the second entry does not match the first.
  • Once the password matches, you will be able to click the Save button at the bottom.

Leo requires all local passwords to meet the following requirements:

  • At least 8 characters in length
  • At least one uppercase letter
  • At least one number
  • At least one special character (e.g. @#$...)

This password option only applies to local passwords in Leo. If your system is utilizing single sign-on (SSO), then you will not need to utilize this option except for users who may not have SSO login credentials through your institution.

Deactivate User

Should a User no longer have access to log into Leo, deactivating the Account will be necessary.  

Use caution when choosing to make a User account inactive.

  1. To make an account inactive, set the Active field to No.
  2. After selecting the appropriate choice, click Save User Record.

Note: If the Active Field on the User Management is set to NO, the User will no longer be granted access to Leo.

Delete User

Use caution when choosing to delete a User's account or make them inactive. 

  1. Set the Deleted field to Yes.
  2. Click Save User Record.

NOTE: If deleted, a User's past information will no longer show in historical reports, if this information needs to remain intact, make the User Inactive instead.

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