Path: Admin Toolbar > Course Management > Course Reports

For an explanation of the icons used in Reports, please refer to the Reports Icon article and Admin Toolbar Reset/Close
Course Reports Menu
- Course Listing: This report details all Courses in the system with some very basic indicators about the report. It is intended to give you a quick listing of your existing Courses.
- Course Roll Over: This report shows you a summary list of Courses for a given year by Course Type with the following figures, per Course Type: number of Course Templates, number of active Courses and number of Course Rollovers.
- New Courses: This option will generate a list of all Courses created for the specified date range.
- Faculty Detail: This report shows a list of all Faculty who taught at least one event for the year of this report.
- Faculty Event Summary: This report will show Faculty activity presented in a table by Event Type, the number of Events and total Event hours. This report can be filtered.
- Avg Student Hours per Year: This screen is used to define the parameters for the Student Hours Per Year report.
- Events by Event Count: This report displays a listing of all Events for a given Academic Year and School Year.
- Hidden Courses: The Hidden flag only applies to Courses and Course Templates.
- Courses w/ Multiple CDs: This report displays which Courses have more than one (1) Course Director.
- Groups by Size: A list of Student Groups is compiled and listed by Group name, Course, and Student count.
- Course Primary Group Count: After selecting a year from the drop-down menu, you will receive a count of Primary Groups per Course.
- Course Credit Summary: In this report, you will receive a list of Courses with credits entered showing the Course name, credits, and the number of instances of the Course in that year.
- Enrollment: This report shows the Course name, enrollment count, rotation count, and average enrollment.
- Block Schedule: This report will show Students' assignments per block, where a block is defined as one or more Courses taught within a given date range.
- Linked Event Courses: This report shows all Courses that have Linked Events.
- Course Exceptions: Please refer to the article, Course Exceptions Reports, for more detailed information.