A Program is defined as a complete curriculum with a unique degree.
Within healthcare education, examples of such programs might be:
- Medicine
- Nursing
- Physical Therapy
- Physician Assistant
- Osteopathic Medicine
Path: Home > Admin Toolbar > Course Management > Program Settings
Manage Programs
The Program Management module lets you run multiple programs within an instance of Leo.
Programs can maintain discrete sets of reports, objectives, and financial tracking information while sharing combined resources such as:
- Room scheduling
- User database
- Server resources
- Centralized administration
NOTE: For more detailed instruction on Managing Programs, please refer to the article Manage Programs
Years and Dates
NOTE: For more detailed instruction on Years and Dates, please refer to the article Years and Dates.
By the Numbers
By the Numbers allows you to search for specific Events, Event documents, or Courses, using the data/ID numbers.
- Data numbers or ID#'s are automatically assigned to Events, documents, Courses, etc by the System.
- These numbers are used by the System to identify each individual item.

NOTE: For more detailed instruction on By the Numbers, please refer to the article By the Numbers.
Reminder Links
This feature allows you to manage Faculty reminders by program.
NOTE: For more detailed instruction on Reminder Links, please refer to the article Reminder Links.
Faculty Reminder Message
NOTE: For more detailed instruction on Faculty Reminder Messaging, please refer to the article Faculty Reminder Message