This report shows a list of all Course Templates where there is more than one Course Template with the same name.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Course Management > Course Settings > Courses > Duplicate Course Templates
Click on the Count to view a detailed list of the Course Templates with the same name.
This report shows you a list of all the Course Templates that have a given name in common.
NOTE: The list is sorted by the date of creation, with the most recently created records first.

Click on the Abbr (abbreviation field) to edit the Course Template.

- Edit the Course Template properties from this screen.
- Merge two Course Templates using the Merge link above.
This option will merge two Course Templates.:
- The target Course Template (the current Course Template - Primary).
- This Course Template will remain after the merge and all Courses (sections) linked to the target Course will be re-linked to the source Course Template.
- The source Course Template, Merge with, is the one to be merged into the target.
- You will select that Course Template in the search bar.
- Click Merge Courses
Merging course templates with active assignments, evaluations, exams, discussions, and/or LTI content could result in errors. We recommend merging course templates only when students are not active in the course.