Path: Admin Toolbar > Course Management > Course Settings
This menu provides you with reports and functions necessary to manage your Courses. You can create or edit Course Templates, Course Sections/Rotations, Event Types, and other System Settings relevant to Courses and their Events.

Please refer to the following articles more more detailed information on the Courses Menu items:
Please refer to the following articles more more detailed information on the Events Menu items:

This is an administrative listing for Content Categories that have been created by Faculty and Staff Admin in the Course and Event Screen Materials Pane.
For more information please refer to the article Course Settings: Material Categories
This report shows a list of all Student Groups for a given Academic year.
For more information on Student Groups, please refer to Course Settings: Student Groups

NOTE: In many cases, these Groups may have been auto-created for Courses with no enrollment, which means that many of the Groups in the list may have no Students assigned.
This report lets you manage the defined Themes in your system. Themes are designed to an open-ended way for you to map a wide variety of information about your curriculum. Themes has many mapping options based on standards and/or a rigid set of elements. Themes are designed to be open and free form, so you can map information that is not covered by the more organized mapping options.
For more detailed information please refer to the article: Theme Setup

This screen lets you define a link from your Course in Leo to an external version of the Course, a Cross Reference (Xref).
Often, these cross referenced records will be created by your customized Roster Import routine, but you can use this tool to create a cross reference record manually.
- For more information about Cross Referencing, please refer to Course Settings: Cross Reference (Xref)