The Program Management module lets you run multiple programs within an instance of Leo. Programs can maintain discrete sets of reports, objectives, and financial tracking information while sharing combined resources such as:
- Room scheduling
- User database
- Server resources
- Centralized administration
Path: Home > Admin Toolbar > Course Management > Program Settings > Manage Programs
This screen lets you manage the programs in your system.
- You can create a new program with the Add A Program option.
- You can review all active and deleted program with the List All Programs option.
- You can edit any existing active program using the Search Programs option.
Add a Program
This screen is used to define the basic settings for a program; the code and the name.
- Once the code has been created it cannot be changed.
- Both the code and the name must be unique, and this screen will ensure that the name you give your Program is unique to the Program.
- The DD Setting refers to a Document Distribution system. This information is not needed for setting up your Program.

- Enter a unique name
- Enter a description
- Save Record

List all Programs
This report shows you all of the currently active programs.
An Active Program is defined as having at least one active Course Template assigned to the Program.
Click the Name of the Program to begin editing.
Search Programs
Begin typing the Program's abbreviations or double click in the search bar to see all options.
Manage/Edit Programs

This report shows the Program-wide Gradebook Access granted to various Faculty and Deans. There are three levels of access:
- Admin: User can view and update all Gradebooks in the current program
- View Only: User can view, but not update, Gradebooks in the current program
- None: User has no program wide Gradebook access rights. This is equivalent to the record being deleted.
- You can click on the name of any User in the list to modify their record.
- You can use the Add New User option to add one individual.
- There are also options for doing bulk update of Admin Access or View Only Access rights.
User Access
This screen lets you change the program wide gradebook access of a User. There are three options:
- Admin Access: User can view and update Gradebook
- View Only: User can view, but not update Gradebook
- None: User does not have Program-wide Gradebook Access
If a User is assigned program wide access levels of None or View Only, it will not affect those courses to which they already have access.


There is an additional field to define how document distribution is run. This option can be turned off by the System Administrator and may not appear on your screen.
- Gradebook - If you are locking down the Gradebook, this option will let you specify those Users that have universal access. If you are not locking down the Gradebook, you do not need this option.
- Change Abbreviation - This option will allow you to change the abbreviation (code) for this Program. Your system may have custom Registrar logic the depends on these codes, so be sure that you have verified that it is safe to change codes.