This screen lets you define a link from your Leo Course to an external version of the Course, a Cross Reference (Xref). Often, these cross reference records will be created by your customized Roster Import Routine, but you can use this tool to create a cross reference record manually.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Curriculum Management > Course Settings > Xref > [Select Year] > [Select School Year]

- This report shows the various Course cross reference types defined for your system.
- The report also shows the number of Courses linked to the Course reference types for the current Academic Year and School Year
Add Course Xref Type
- For example, if you use PeopleSoft, and their ID for your Course is 78142, then you would enter 78142 as the Name.
- In other systems might be a combination of name and date, such as "Medicine*2015-07-07",
- Or, name, date, and campus: "Medicine*2015-07-07*EAST"