This report displays all the active Event Types for the specified Academic Year, as well as a summary count of how often the Event Type has been used in the selected year. From this screen, you can create new Event Types or modify the existing Event Types.
Path: Home > Admin Toolbar > Course Management > Course Settings > Events > Event Types
- Select Year
- Choose Instructional Events Only or the report will list all Events.
- Run Report
Learning Event Types Report
Top Menu Links:
- Add: Click to add a New Event Type.
- All Event Types: This report will show all Event Types for all Academic Years.
- CI Report: This report will show the number of Events by Event Type ans School Year for a given Academic Year. Only the primary mapping Section for each Course will be used.
- New Report: Click here to run an Event Type report for a different year.
- Deleted: Click here to view deleted Event Types.

Column headers:
- Name: Click to edit
- Events: Click to view the Events listed under this Event Type
- Hours: Click here to see the breakdown of hours by Academic Year.
New Event Type
The Name field is required.
- After typing in the Event Type name, click the Check Event Type Name to make sure it is unique and it acceptable. Otherwise you will have an Event Type in conflict with an existing record, change the name to resolve the issue.
- Once the Event Type name is unique then the Save button will be visible,

Fill out the necessary fields, or make changes to existing settings:
- Event Type Name: The name/title of the Event Type. Keep this as simple as possible (ex. Lecture, Lab, Presentation, Personal Event, etc.).
- Description: A short description of what the Event Type represents.
- Color Code: The color associated with the Event Type for the Event on the calendar. This color will appear as a border around the Event on the calendar.
- Use Dark Text: This option currently is not available in Leo. Please leave this field set to No.
- Instructional: Select YES if this Event Type is for instructional purposes.
- In Financial Model: Select YES if this Event Type will be included in the Financial Model.
- Prep Hours Conversion: The number of Faculty hours needed in order to prepare for this type of Event.
- Repeating Hours Conversion: The number of Faculty hours needed in order to prepare for this type of Event when it is a recurring event (check the event settings to flag an event as recurring).
- Large Group: Select YES if all Students can attend this type of Event.
- Didactic: Select YES if this is a didactic Event Type.
- Exclude From Conflicts: Select YES if you want to exclude this Event Type from the Event Conflict reports.
- Ignore Course Groups: Select YES if this Event Type will not use Standard Course Groups.
- Suppress Reminders: Select YES if this Event Type should NOT get automatic reminders.
- Deleted: Determines whether the Event Type is deleted or not. Set this field to YES to delete the Event Type.
- Click Save to save your changes and exit this screen.
The Calendar in Leo only supports White text. It is best to utilize the Color Code option to be darker then lighter for Event Types in order to be seen on the calendar. As the Dark Text option is not applicable in Leo.
(Optional) I/M and A/M Mapping
For more detailed information on A/M and I/M mapping refer to Event Types: Default IM/AM Mapping

CI Report
This report shows the number of Events by School Year and Event Type for the selected Academic Year.
- You can click on the Event Type number by Year to get a detailed listing.
- You can also switch to view the number of Hours.
- This report only shows results for Primary Courses and only shows results for the primary CI Section for each Course
- This report is aware of Linked Events.

CI Report by Hours
You can click on the Event Type Hours by Year to get a detailed listing.