This report shows a list of all Student Groups for a given Academic year.
NOTE: In many cases, these Groups may have been auto-created for Courses with no enrollment, which means that many of the Groups in the list may have no Students assigned.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Course Management > Course Settings > Student Groups > [Select Year]

(1) Edit Group
This report shows the Users in a Group assigned to an Exam.
Select Edit Group link

This screen is used to manage a Group, which includes:
- The security level of the Group
- The optional Course that to which the Group is linked
- The members of the Group
NOTE: If this is a Student Enrollment Group, you should add Users by creating a roster record in the Course Screen.
Options in Edit Group:
- Users: Presents a build list to manage the Users in this Group
- Admins: Administrators of this Group
- Events: List of events linked to this Group
- Types: Define the Group type(s)
- Roster: A detailed list of the Users in the Group
- Clone: Make a copy of this Group
- Copy User: Copy Users from other Groups into this Group
- Affiliation: Copy Users in this Group based on User affiliation
- Set Profile: Set profile options on all Users in the Group
- Composite: Generate a photo composite of the Users in the Group
- Import: Import a list of Users into the Group based on netID or any other standard User ID set
- Export: Export a list of netIDs for the Users in this Group
- Clear: Clear all Users from the Group
- Merge: Merge this Group with another Group. This Group will remain after the merge
(2) Faculty

(3) All Current

(4) All

All Groups: Individual Groups, Student Groups and Faculty Groups