This screen allows you to create or manage a Discussion. Each discussion must have a title and a Group of people who can participate in the Discussion.
By default, the following people are automatically included:
- Any students linked to the current Event or Course screen
- Any instructors linked to the screen
- The Course Directors and Coordinators
- Any staff assigned to the Course
If you are an administrator, you can modify the list of Users.
Start a Discussion

- Title: This is not a unique field, but you are encouraged to make your discussion name distinctive.
- Instructions: This field is provided for you to enter instructions about the discussion. The instructions will be displayed at the top of the discussion thread.
- Public: The default is No. A private (non-public) discussion is only accessible to users who have been directly assigned to the discussion.
- Graded Discussion: the default is set to No. In order to enable grading for a Discussion this flag must be set to Yes. This will also enable entry of Max Points for the graded Discussion.
- Max Points: Enter a numeric value for the Max Points awarded for participation will be used to calculate scores for graded Discussions.
- Save Record: Saves and launches the Discussion Board to the Event.
- Deleted: Default is No. If set to Yes, then the discussion is no longer available.
Public= Yes: A Public discussion will allow any User who has access to the Event to have access to the Discussion. Public discussions cannot be graded.
In order for Faculty to manage and/or grade a private Discussion they must be an assigned Group member to the Discussion.
For more information on Administrative settings for the Discussion board please refer to the Discussions article.