Profile Manager Screen is where you can customize your personal Calendar settings. You can always return to this screen and change these settings.
Profile Manager for Students
Profile Manager navigation:
- Personal Settings
- Expand inline help +/-for help with setting basic calendar defaults.
- Profile Menu

Personal Settings

This screen is used to define some default settings for your profile. Most of these settings can be adjusted in the calendar, too. You can always return to this screen and change these settings.
- Pronouns: (Select from dropdown). Users can indicate their pronouns by setting them here. Once set, the selected pronouns will be displayed in the Academic Portrait.
- Default Calendar View: (Select from dropdown) Daily, Weekly, Monthly or List view.
- Hide Calendar Document List (Check box)
- Higher-Contrast Page Elements (Check box)
- Default School Year View: Select from dropdown
- Security Level: Set By Administrator
- Show Only Enrolled Courses: Toggle Yes/No. Great for Students to declutter their calendars.
- Show Weekends: Toggle Yes/No
- CalDav Server Address: Provides password protection for calendar (Detailed explanation refer to Calendar Feed article)
- ICS URL: Instantly updates public subscriptions (Detailed explanation refer to Calendar Feed article)
- Enable Public Calendar Feed: Toggle Yes/No
- My Time Zone: If enabled, set your base Time Zone.
Time Zone: If enabled, set your calendar's time to the zone you live/work in if it is different than your institution.
- My Time Zone = your time zone
- Event Location Time Zone = institution's time zone
Time Zones
There are two main options on how to view different Time Zones. Choose either your local time zone OR the time zone you wish to view:
- Absolute View: Shows all Events based in their native time set by your institution.
- Relative View: Shows all Events in the local time, the zone that you live in that is different from your institution.
Profile Menu

- This screen displays all the courses in which you are enrolled.
- Included is the course Year (academic year), the Campus, the Name of the course, and the date range (From and Until) of the course.
- You can click the course name to navigate to its Course Screen.
- This list contains official Courses and non-registrar Courses such as clubs, special interest Groups, etc.

For more information on the Course Screen see the Course Screen Overview Article.
- To change your current password, begin typing your new password in the Password field.
- Be sure your password meets all of the listed requirements.
- Type your password again in the Confirm Password field.
- The Password Match indicator will notify you if the second entry does not match the first.
- Once the password matches, you will be able to click the Save box at the bottom.

NOTE: You may or may not have the option to change your password depending on settings at your institution. Contact your Leo Administrator for more details.
Leo requires all local passwords to meet the following requirements:
- At least 8 characters in length
- At least one uppercase letter
- At least one number
- At least one special character (e.g. @#$...)
- This screen lists the different devices currently in use by your institution.
- The Device or ID Type column indicates the type of device.
- The Device or Alt ID column will indicate whether the corresponding item is a device or an alternate ID.
- To register your device, click the appropriate link device.

New Device

The following fields are required (*):
- Alternate ID: Use this field to enter the ID for your device.
- Confirm ID: Re-type the ID you entered in the previous field.
- Once you have successfully entered and confirmed your device ID, the ID field is empty box will change to Click to save record.
- Click the box to save your new device.
This report displays all Evaluations that have been completed by you or completed by others on you.
NOTE: Restrictions may apply based on the de-identified status of certain evaluations.
For more detailed information refer to the Evaluations article.
This report shows your upcoming Events that have mandatory attendance requirements.

To see your attendance history, use the History option, which will show you all past required events.
For information on how to request an absence from a Mandatory Event, please refer to this article, Absence Request.
If the absence request option has been activated on your System, you can submit absence requests for these upcoming events. These requests will be sent to an administrator who can approve or deny the requests. Requests and approvals (or denials) all have a field where the reason for the request, approval, or denial can be entered. You can also see which requests have not yet been acted upon.