The Exam Portal is where students will find and access their Exams.

No Exam Scheduled
Students will receive this notice if there is no Exams scheduled.

Exam Screen
Exam Navigational Tools
- Questions per page: Select the number of questions on a page at one time.
- View Mode: Select types of questions to review
- Exam Map: Gives an thumbnail overview of the exam, which is useful to go directly to a question.
- View next question: Advance to next question if you are using the one question per page mode, or use the scroll bar to navigate to the next question.
- Onscreen Help: Expand the + to view the onscreen help.
- Mark for review: Check for review any questions that you wish to return to prior to submitting exam.
- Submit: Click to submit exam for grading.
Submit Exam

Exam Responses
Once the exam is submitted the responses are matched with the exam key.
This feature is optional and in some cases, the key will NOT be available until all students have taken the exam.
Scores are then sent to faculty for review and submission to the Gradebook.
Other Exam Notices
- Exams notices are also linked to the Calendar
- Use the Course Event Filters to find an exam. See the Course Filter article.
- The Activity icon will alert Students that there is an Exam coming up on their schedule.