The Pin allows you to bookmark any screen you visit in Leo to access it whenever you need to. This feature allows you to save your spot between sessions and to access quickly the areas in Leo you visit most frequently.

Understanding the Pin
The Pin feature allows you to quickly see where you have been recently in current and past sessions. Unlike the Session Screen feature, which holds a page in an active state for the current session, the Pin will hold the screen listed in its original inactive state.
Unless you unpin a page from the Pinned list, you will be able to access the page every time you log into Leo.
Pinning and "Unpinning" individual Pages
To pin a recent page you have visited, click on the Pin icon in the top right hand of your screen and click on the gray pin icon in the drop-down under the Recent Pages list.
The page will move to the top of the Pinned Pages list and will have a green pin icon.

To unpin an individual page from your Pinned Pages list click on the green pin icon.
The page will move to the top of the Recent Pages list and will have a gray pin icon.
Manage Recent Pages
Should you wish to remove or add pages to the Pin icon in bulk you will be able to do so by selecting Manage my Pins on the Pin drop-down screen.
Once you are on the Recents Page you will see a list of all of your Favorite, frequently visited screens. On this page you have the option to manually manage your Pins by either moving to the top of the list or unpin an item listed.
- To move a screen up on the list click the ^Move button next to the Menu Name.
- To remove a screen which is already listed as a Pinned Pages, click the Remove Pin button next to the Menu Name.
- To add a screen to the Pinned Pages list, click the Pin It button next to the Menu Name.
The Pin's dropdown menu will be updated with your recent changes once you click out of the Recents Page screen and enter into a different screen.