Leo User Guide

Exam Types

Updated on

Use this feature to set up all your Exam Types for Exams that are created from the Course/Section Screen.

Examples of some commonly used Exam Types are:

  • Discussion
  • Exam
  • GRAT (Group Readiness Assessment Test)
  • IRAT
  • GEA

In most cases you should not modify the existing Exam Types, but you can create new Exam Types.

Path: Admin Toolbar > Assessment > Exams > Exam Types

  1. Click the New Type to assess the New Record Screen for Exam Type
  2. Click the Name of the Exam Type to edit
  3. Click the number in the Links column to see which Courses or Events were linked to this Exam

NOTE: If you are not very confident that you know the impact of any changes you are going to make you should not make any changes.

Edit Type/Add New

The Exam Type is linked to an Exam in order to control how Leo will use the Exam. This includes how Exams are used in Clinical Skills, TBL, and other modules that make special use of the Exam System.

  • Name: Required (*)
  • Description: Optional
  • Non Std Management: Set to YES if a custom reporting is required for the type.
  • TBL Flag: Set to YES if this is a TBL (Team Based Learning) Exam Type
  • Team: Set to YES if Students take this exam in teams and the score is shared.

Save Record

  • Deleted: Yes/No toggle

TIP: The Team Flag is very important. Team Exams are taken by one team member for the entire team and the score is then shared by all team members in the Gradebook

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