This article will show you how to create a new Evaluation form. Evaluation forms can be used as many times as you like, across Courses, Events, as On-Demand, etc.
TIP: It is recommended that you stick to a basic Evaluation structure. This way, you will be able use the same assessment tool across different situations, which will provide better longitudinal and comparative data.
Path: Admin Toolbar > Assessment > Evaluations > Eval Listing > Create Evaluation Form
Click Create Evaluation Form or click the Name of an existing Evaluation to edit it.
NOTE: Once you have created your Evaluation, you may return to this page to view your Evaluation, as well as all other Evaluations that have been created by users in the system.
Eval Form Settings
- Add a title for your new Evaluation.
- You may also choose to add a short description of your new Evaluation (optional). This is visible to the persons completing the evaluation.
- Check this box if you would like for any use of this form to be approved automatically. Learn more about Auto-Approval for evaluations here.
- You can designate a Program for this evaluation form in order to map questions to various Themes for further analysis.
- Click Save, this will take you back to the Eval Listing screen
When Auto Approve is enabled, all evaluations completed using this form will be approved automatically. You can uncheck the Auto Approve option to resume standard Evaluation Workflow at any time.
Create an Evaluation
Click on the evaluation name you just created, this will take you to the Eval Editor.
- Click on the arrow box to Preview the Evaluation
- Click on the plus sign to Add a Question.
- Add a Page Break,
- or Add inline content
- Click on the gear icon to Edit Eval Settings, Toggle Descriptions, or Show Deleted Records.
In the right corner of the Evaluation Editor, there is a box with an arrow icon. Click this icon to preview your new Evaluation.
Each time you click on the Preview icon it will refresh with the latest changes from the Evaluation Template.
A Page in an Evaluation is will show only questions that have been added to that specific page.
- Click the Plus Sign icon and Add Page Break to add pages to your Evaluation.
- Each page can contain as questions as desired.
To add a new page, click Add Page Break and it will appear at the bottom of your Edit Eval Screen. You can drag the page break into place to break up questions as desired.
Inline Content is utilized if you only want to display text such as a prompt or instructions.
Click the Plus Sign icon and Add Inline Content to add information to your Evaluation.
On the Inline Content screen add any information you want to be displayed and communicated on the Evaluation and click save when finished.
The Inline Content once saved will allow you to drag and drop the text between the questions you want to separate or provide specific instructions for.
Click on the plus icon and Add Question to add a new question.
Question Types in Leo
- Checkbox
- Text
- Radio
- Dropdown
- Rubric
Note: The Checkbox and Text Question Type options if selected, cannot be included in scoring calculations and will be summarized by Count only.
Edit Question
1. Type your question in the Prompt field. (*) Required
2. Question Type
- Dropdown: Multiple Choice. Displayed in a dropdown list. Used if there are a large number of options.
- Radio: Multiple choice options listed vertically.
- Rubric: Sliding scale response with comment box.
- Text: Typed text response - not gradable.
- Checkbox: Multiple Select - not gradable.
3. Set the Required field to No if you would like this question to be required, set this field to Yes if you would like this question to be optional (if set to yes, users will be able to submit their Evaluation without answering this question). The default is Yes (required).
4. For the Summarize Responses by this affects how responses are displayed on summary evaluations and in the Academic Portait. The default is set to average for each question.
5. Set the Include in Form Scoring field to No if this question will be ignored for score calculations in the summary evaluation and the Academic Portrait. The default for this field is Yes.
6. Themes can be mapped to Evaluation Questions in each Questions screen. Double click or start typing to associate the necessary Themes to the question.
7. Click Save to add the question to the evaluation form. You can drag and drop to re-order questions, and expand questions to add responses.
For Text question types, an additional option is available to "Include in MSPE". When selected, the responses to the question on approved evaluations from courses included in the MSPE will show up on the student's MSPE letter.
If a question is flagged to be included in the MSPE, it will automatically be marked as required.
TIP: To edit an existing or delete a question, click on the Question from the Eval Edit Screen:
- Select Edit Question.
- Select the double box icon to copy the question.
- Select the trash icon to Delete the question
- Select the arrow button to see the responses associated with the Question.
This build list lets you manage Themes on the Available or Selected Theme lists, based on the Program you associated your Evaluation Record to. Click on the Theme to add or remove it from Themes list.
Themes can be mapped to Evaluation Questions in the Edit Question screen.
- Click in the Themes box and select the necessary Themes for this Eval question.
Themes added to the Selected Themes will now display in the Theme Count.
- After selecting Rubric as the Question Type, add a prompt in the Rubric Prompt box. (*) means that this field is required.
- Use the Rubric Details to provide further explanation, for example the learning objective or criteria you wish to assess.
- Set the Required field to No if you would like this question to be required, set this field to Yes if you would like this question to be optional (if set to yes, users will be able to submit their Evaluation without answering this question). The default is Yes (required).
- Set Require Rubric Comment field to Yes - ONLY if a rating is given to provide a required comment field on the question. Set to Yes - even if no rating is given to provide a comment field for the question, whether or not a rating is provided.
- Themes can be mapped to Evaluation Questions in each Questions screen. Double click or start typing to associate the necessary Themes to the question.
- Click Save to save your question and continue.
Rubric Question Type Example
- Click Hide Details to hide content provided in the Rubric Details field.
- Slide to the left to lower the rating or right to increase the rating using the rating scale.
- Click Reset Rating to reset the scale to lowest rating on the scale.
- Use the Comments box to enter comments for the rating provided. If marked with * a comment is required.
- If an "N/A" response is present, then it will appear as a checkbox that can be selected. Note: if a rating is added to the question, the "N/A" response checkbox will be de-selected and made inactive (grayed out). To select the "N/A" response after added a rating, the user must first choose the "reset rating option".
- Once you return to the Edit Eval screen after saving your Question, click on the arrow dropdown next to the question you want to add responses to.
- Click Add a Response to add a new response.
- If you have a pre-defined set of responses you would like to use, click Add a Response Set (ex. you may already have a set of responses such as "Very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, etc." that you would like to use for this question). Your system also comes with some prepared Response Sets that you can modify/utilize.
NOTE: To create a new response set, see our tutorial on How to create a new Response Set.
Edit Response
- Type in your response in the Response box.
- Add a Description in the box if additional information is needed on this response.
- If you want to add a response to a question that indicates the evaluator was unable to assess the target (student, faculty, course, etc.) you can choose "yes" to designate this response as a "N/A" response. If selected on a summary evaluation, the question will not apply to any scoring calculations, percentages, statistics, etc.
- The Value field allows you to add a numeric value (with up to two decimal places) to the response. Add a value if you are planning to use the Evaluation to generate grades or evaluate responses. If you will be grading the Evaluation, a response with a value of zero, will be considered in score calculations. If you don't want a response to count towards the student's score, designate it as a "N/A" response (see above).
- The option If Chosen, Skip to Question is used for question branching. If the question will use branching logic, use this field to select the question the user will be directed to if they select this response. Questions between the current question and the branch-to question will be disabled. For more information on branching logic see the Branching Logic tutorial.
- The Notification field is used to select a trigger that will send email notifications when this response is selected. For example, if the question is "Was this student unprofessional" and the evaluator answers "Yes", if the Notification field is set to Trigger Name, then the individuals associated with that trigger will receive an email notifying them that this evaluator selected "Yes" for this question, and appropriate action may be considered.
- When you are done, click Save.
Continue creating new responses until you have all the appropriate options created. To delete this response, set the Deleted field to Yes.
If you have any questions (other than text questions) with no defined responses available, you will not be able to launch a preview of the evaluation nor will evaluators be able to completed the evaluation form if assigned. All questions that are checkbox, radio, dropdown, or rubric question types must have at least one response available for selection before the evaluation will render correctly.