This is where you will find all of the defined Grade Matrix records in your System. There is no limit to the number of Grade Matrices that you can create.
NOTE: You may be limited to which Grade Matrices are available to you based on the settings in the Gradebook section of the Account Manager. Your Administrator may limit your System or Program to a specific Grade Matrix. To assign a Grade Matrix to a Course, go to the Custom Gradebook settings at the Course Template level of a course, or use the bulk assign option in the Admin Toolbar.
Video Overview of Grade Matrix
Path: Admin Toolbar > Assessment > Grade Matrices
Your menu options are:
- Name: Edit an existing Grade Matrix
- Grades: This is a count of the number of grades defined for this matrix. Each grade defines a minimum score. Click the number for a detailed list.
- Add Grade Matrix: Create your own Grade Matrix
- Deleted Matrices: Review any deleted grade matrices in your system
(1) Edit Grade Matrix
Use this screen to edit a Matrix and Save Record
To edit a Grade Definition, click on the link's title, edit changes and Save Record.

(2) Grades
Clicking on the number in the Grades column will also allow you to edit a Grade Matrix
Save Record
(3) Add Grade Matrix
This screen is used to create and manage the settings for a Grade Matrix, including the individual Grade Definitions. Once you have created this Grade Matrix Record, you will have the ability to add a Grade Definition. The Grade Definition is used to define a grade in your Grade Matrix.
- Name: Fill in the required name field (*), description is optional
- Round: Yes/No toggle. If you want to round results before assigning the grade matrix value, then set the Round option to Yes.
- Save Record

By default, scores are not rounded prior to checking which Grade Matrix entry they match. For example:
- Honors is set to min score of 92
- If a Student's score is 91.6, and round flag is no (off), the Student will not get Honors
- If a Student's score is 91.6 and round flag is yes (on), the Student will get Honors
NOTE: Grade Matrix feature can be used in multiple Programs. If the minimum passing percentage is different in one or more of the Programs, then you will have to create a different version of the Grade Matrix for each Program.
Add Grade Definition
Once you have created this Grade Matrix, you can enter the specific grading criteria for each grade that can be awarded within this Grade Matrix.
This screen is used to define a Grade within a Grade Matrix Record.
- Name: This name must be unique within the Grade Matrix
- Minimum Score: This is the lowest score to achieve this grade
- Description: (Optional) Detailed description of the grade.
- Color: (Optional) Color code Grade Matrix
- Save Record
- Deleted: Yes/No Toggle. To delete a Grade Matrix, change to YES.

The minimum value is the key: To achieve this grade the Student's grade must be greater than or equal to the Minimum Value and it must be less than any other Minimum Values that are greater than the Grade's Minimum Value.

Deleted Matrices
Deleted Matrices may be made active again by clicking on the link and changing deleted to NO.